Racism Rears it`s Ugly Head..
I think it is all PC bullshit. Us whites are constantly downbraded by radical "coloredso what is a slip of the tongue by a famous person.
Don't even tell me that you people don't on occasion make a snide remark about someones ethnicity. Get a life already!
"Us Whites"
Never include include all White People when making Racist Remarks..
Not all of us are like you..
Theres no such word..I think you mean Down Graded..
The Dictionary is your Friend!..
"Radical Coloured"..
You come just short of using the N word..
You wanted to appear fair minded,not a Radical White Person..
It didn`t work..
"You People"..
Ahhhh..Your talking about all the Black People..
Did you know some White and Black People,never make snide remarks about each other?..
"Get a Life already"..
You and a few others show up anytime..
Theres an opportunity to make Snide Remarks about Black People..
Thats not much of a life..
No doubt we`ll be seeing a lot of you and the others..
When the Trayvon Martin threads start..