Their name will be their downfall.....

by snare&racket 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Hi guys,

    EL meant 'god' but not how you think, EL was an ancient Canaanite god that the Jews worshipped in the early years, so much so EL was their word for god.

    all that asked should all go,read up on ELohim ..... Its very interesting, I don't have time to explain but.... EL was an early Jewish God, hence ELi , ELohim and IsraeEL (City of EL).

    EL was an ancient pagan god I believe, but yes, EL is different to the later Jewish god YHWH. Scholars believe the priests were trying to distance themselves from the god EL and merged it all together, though when EL was dropped, a name was never put back in. YHWH is not a name, its a sentence. Adonai means master/lord.

    Since EL there has been no name.

    snare x

    oh one more thing.... ALLAH comes from EL too.

  • T D Joseph
    T D Joseph

    This is an interesting situation--"an apostate" site has more truth than the JWs.

    Here truth comes also with freedom

  • mP


    The "L" is a common base for middle eastern names. "L" and "R" are a common pair in linguistics. Its also interesting htat Bel ( the Babylonian El, Ra the egyptian) all have this common base.

  • T D Joseph
    T D Joseph

    JWs' careless translation of the name Jehovah as “HE CAUSES TO BECOME” with no object indirectly makes Him responsible for everything that happens anywhere, because, happening is nothing but becoming. Then how can he feel CHALLANGED by Satan as He Himself is behind any becoming—including an angel BECOMING a satan? Again why take action against many BECOMING sinners through one man’s sin, as He Himself is behind all becoming? It goes on and on. See the havoc one careless translation has brought in!

    No wonder Jesus prefered to address God as FATHER, which can NEVER been misunderstood by anyone.

  • *lost*

    And the gorgeous new Superman is called ..... 'Cal El'.... lol. (a god).

    je-hova, means, god of wickedness, perversion etc ... what we would term 'bad' things. It's is actually satanic, and WT is a satanic cult, in disguise.

    They worship je-hovah, he is their 'golden calf'. They 'follow after men'.

    Unless people are prepared to put in the time and effort themselves and research all the material, they are never going to free their minds.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    What's your evidence for this unorthodox claim please? Jesus invented the name JaHoWah? I've never heard that one before:_

    "700 years after Jesus a Christian monk decided this was a code. He decided that these two terms could be the name for god if he mixed them together. He mixed together the sentence YHWH with the missing vowels from Adonai, which made YaHoWaH."

    Jesus was a "Christian monk"? Come on.

  • punkofnice
    WTBT$ chose to use Jehovah, because it was popular.

    Hhahaha. Amazing isn't it. Because it's popular.........So's Justin Bieber but that's no reason to go from door to door pedaling propaganda.

  • *lost*

    lol punk

    don't forget the 'monk' was into spiritistic practices,

    so he had the assistance of Demons, to guide him in all things truthful from God and Jesus.

    it falls down everywhere on all sides once you start investigating 'truth's'.

  • snare&racket

    Never said that yadda.... Never said Jesus was a monk or 700 years old. A monk, 700 years after jesus wrote YaHoVaH for the first time based on the idea of mixing the two words together. That we know.

    Btw there isn't anyone that debates this history, even the JW's ..... Though they don't tell the whole story i.e. the mixing of Adonai and YHWH, this is a well known biblical history fact. Don't be so lazy and do some research.....

    They were the massoretes, I read of them as early monks because of their lifestyles, but to be accurate they were 'scribes and scholars' who copied the bible out in the desert.

    Wikipedia is a good place to start, but history books are better.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    To further your research, quarry this tidbit. When the Name Jehovah was invented, there was no J, V, or w, in the english language. It was still being develope at that time.

    Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)

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