Inspired by tresdecu's post, I thought I would step up to the plate and draft this letter to local newspapers for the upcoming assembly.
My idea was that just prior to when the Assembly is in your area - edit this letter appropriatley and send it out to the local papers. If we all do this, surely at least one of the papers around the world would think it a good story to run. Not that it would make much of a dent on WT, but every bit helps.
If people are interested in doing this, feel free to copy the below letter - only thing is : it might be wise to mention here, which newspaper you are posting to - as it wouldn't look good if a newspaper is spammed with a bunch of identical letters.
Also, if anyone has suggestions to improve the template below, please post your suggestions. I've tried to keep it concise, with enough controversy and factual references for the newspaper to perhaps be interested.
To Whom it may concern,
The 2013 annual District Assembly of Jehovah’s Witnesses is being held at {insert place here} on {insert dates here}. It is expected to have an audience of {insert expected number here} attending the three day event.
These conventions, entitled “God’s Word is Truth”, are being held all around the world dispensing identical information to the worldwide audience of around 8 million Jehovah’s Witnesses.
A number of these conventions in other areas have already concluded, and have included inflammatory remarks towards ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses that many consider to be ‘hate speech’.
The information is intended to demonize ex members and intensify the already harsh shunning policy that the Watchtower Society enforce. This includes encouraging current Jehovah’s Witnesses to not even email relatives or friends who have left the faith, under fear of themselves being ‘dis-fellowshipped’.
Below are just a few quotes that are expected to be said at the upcoming convention in {city}. These quotes are taken from the recent convention held in {where was that?}.
Please note that all talks are ‘manuscript outlines’, meaning that though there may be some slight variations from convention to convention, the same basic information and expressions will be used.
“Suppose a doctor told you to avoid contact with someone who was infected with a contagious deadly disease. Would you reason that limited contact is okay? Similarly human apostates are mentally diseased and they try to infect others with their disloyal teachings…
Because they oppose the truth, apostates are part of the Anti-Christ. They are liars and deceivers… Therefore we want to avoid them for they are not of our sort…
With good reason the Bible then tells us to avoid apostates, just as we would avoid a person who was infected with a deadly contagious disease. Would you reason that limited contact is okay?...
Human apostates are part of the seed of the serpent spoken of in Genesis 3:15.
They lie to authorities."
Similar terms were used recently in the Jehovah’s Witness publication ‘The Watchtower’ and sparked a police inquiry in the UK:
The ‘apostates’ that are referred to in the talk, are anyone who questions the doctrines of Jehovah’s Witnesses – including many current Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves, who are often fearful of speaking their mind due to the consequences (dis-fellowshipping, shunning and derogatory terms used against them).
The particular talk ‘Human apostates’ that I quoted in part will begin at {insert time} on {insert day}, it’s length is 15 minutes.
I hope this information could prove useful to you. If you need further information there are various websites that freely discuss the current and past doctrines of the Watchtower Society. Among others:
Or please feel free to contact me at {email here} for further information or references.
Kind regards
{insert name}