Will gay marriage hurt freedom of religion?

by jam 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    The BSA isn,t a religious group

    though in recent years churches have been the primary

    sponsors of scout troops. Democrats don,t care about

    the Boy Scouts' First Amendment right to define their

    membership. Does anyone seriously think churches won't

    be punished, too?

    Wow, You are talking Apple's and oranges, and you are not making any sense.Nobody has forced the boy scouts to redefine their membership, and nobody will. Some churches have exercised their first amendment rights to not rent their building to the boy scouts, which is their right. If the KKK wanted to rent space in a church building, should they be forced to, to protect the rights of the KKK? There is pressure from within the Boy Scounts to accept gay scouts, and they are doing so, because they see this is a change that is needed. If you don't like it, contact the boy scouts, they were not forced by the government to make this change.

    What are you talking about, who would or could punish the churches and for what? Republicans are not the only group to go to church. This country was founded on freedom of religion and the separation of church and state, that is not going to change. Maybe you should stop listening to Glen Beck, you are seriously out of touch with reality.

  • Comatose

    Voltaire my point is that its hard to believe the decisions made on fairness are based on outdated religious reasons. The government leaders should make laws based on fairness to all, not on bible thumpers feelings. Glad my comments were important enough to elicit your second post since 2009. :)

  • talesin

    Democrats don,t care about the Boy Scouts' First Amendment right to define their membership.

    Would that be kinda like golf courses and country clubs excluding Jews and blacks? and women?

    I really don't feel too sorry for the BSA. hmmm


  • jam

    Lisarose: I hope you realize, I was stated what the article said.

    Those are not my words. I,m no longer a JW. No longer a bigot,

    racist, consider women as second class all the good things that define

    a Christian.

  • TheClarinetist

    Legalizing gay marriage has nothing to do with freedom of religion unless you are arguing that freedom of religion includes the right to impose their religious beliefs on others against the others' will.

    Discrimination laws are a separate question completely. Yes, it is quite possible that certain discrimination laws would hurt the freedom of religion, but that would have to be taken on a case-by-case basis. The importance of religious freedom would have to be weighed against the public good, as, for example, it is in the case of sharia law, or as it was in the case of other religiously tinged issues such as slavery and polygamy.

    EDIT: Also, as far as the Boy Scouts of America, unless something has recently changed, they are a private organization only in name. The BSA is about as in bed with the government as it is possible to be, with subsidies and sweetheart deals. The Democrats (myself included) are up in arms that a group is practicing discrimination with our tax dollars funding it, not that some random bigoted organization exists.

  • slimboyfat

    The question is so stupid I don't know where to start.

  • Pistoff

    The decision is about law, not religious freedom.

    If any person decides to NOT marry someone of the same sex, that is their right.

    They don't have the right to control other people's choices; that is not religious freedom.

    The Christians are up in arms over this because A) they think this is a Christian nation, and Jesus will now be extra mad at us

    and B) they don't get that this actually strengtens freedom of religious choice.


    This country has a mandated separation of church and state, but they still want it to be influenced by 'faith' principles, ie, an anti-gay marriage stance right out of their interpretation of the Bible.

    The problem is that Christianity will not always be the majority religion in this country; it may be Islam, and sooner than later.

    Will christians want government to be controlled by faith principles then? Will they be happy if the majority of the nation wants a variation of Sharia law?

    Or will they be happy that there is a separation of church and state?

  • Pistoff

    " That's why we hear so much lately about caterers, photographers and florists running afoul of several states' civil rights laws for refusing to do business with gay couples."

    Do they also refuse to do the wedding for felons, for mixed couples if they disapprove, or for couples who are too young?

    Do they inquire if the bride and groom are chaste, do they find out if they have had sex before marriage?

    Or is it just easier to 'stand for something' when the cause of their discomfort can't be concealed, like same sex marriage?

  • tec

    " That's why we hear so much lately about caterers, photographers and florists running afoul of several states' civil rights laws for refusing to do business with gay couples."
    Do they also refuse to do the wedding for felons, for mixed couples if they disapprove, or for couples who are too young?
    Do they inquire if the bride and groom are chaste, do they find out if they have had sex before marriage?
    Or is it just easier to 'stand for something' when the cause of their discomfort can't be concealed, like same sex marriage?

    Well said!!

    (don't forget those couples who are divorced - for reasons other than adultery - and now remarrying)



  • LisaRose

    e: I hope you realize, I was stated what the article said.

    Those are not my words. I,m no longer a JW. No longer a bigot,

    racist, consider women as second class all the good things that define

    a Christian.

    Umm....no I realized you were talking about an article, but you said nothing that would indicate you did not agree agree with it, so why then did you start a thread about it? I find it hard to believe you didn't agree, at least in part, with the article. I also find it hard to believe any reputable newspaper would publish this, other than a letter to the editor. What newspaper was this?

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