Anyone who's seen 'Man of Steel', can we talk about SPOILER-related stuff?

by sd-7 39 Replies latest social entertainment

  • fakesmile

    SD, yeah, that is how the story happened but supes thought he killed doomsday. damn, i didnt play that game. also i tuned out when i realized the parallel between jesus and supes. the movie made sure not to leave that aspect out.

  • tec

    Wait, what?? You mean they didn't show the family surviving that???? Wow, the novel left me with the belief that he killed Zod before Zod's heat vision could reach the family. I'm just gettin' more messed up the more I hear about it...

    I don't remember them showing the family surviving and I was waiting to see the camera pan back to them having survived, but... my son says that the camera did pan back, and I must have missed it. So now I am confused, lol. Perhaps someone else can weigh in on that.



  • sd-7
    The entire history and technology of Planet Kryptom is stored in Superman's D.N.A. of all Kryton, human beings are learning their supposed junk dna is not junk, it all has a purpose!

    I wondered if maybe Brainiac was connected to that part of the plot. I do still think it's a good story, but the ending is kind of my main issue with it. I'm willing to forgive most everything else. I actually liked the suit, personally. I mean, red underwear is nice and all, but...why not try something different after 75 years, eh?


  • PleiadesPoliceman

    Fake, you know how and who created Doomsday and why he hate's Krytonians so much? He can smell them, can't be killed because of his regenerating body. Nobody can control Doomsday, he came close to killing Darkseid and Superman "The Death Of Superman".

    Good DC "Superman Unbound" interesting take on Brainiac.

    "The Death of Superman" Superman vs Doomsday

    "Superman and Batman" Public Enemies

    "All Star Superman"

    "Superman and the Elite".

    New Green Lantern cartoon is good, hints at the creation of Doomsday while the G-corp get's ready to fight Kronas from the Anti Matter Universe. Kronos was given his power by Satan in the comics.

  • sd-7
    I don't remember them showing the family surviving and I was waiting to see the camera pan back to them having survived, but... my son says that the camera did pan back, and I must have missed it. So now I am confused, lol. Perhaps someone else can weigh in on that.

    Oh. (sigh) Well that's a relief. It would've been kinda stupid and pointless if Zod had killed that family anyway. I mean, then again, if you didn't want to kill Zod after all the other people he surely killed during the whole terraforming of Metropolis stuff...well, what would be the point of doing it now, really?


  • sd-7
    "Superman and Batman" Public Enemies

    Now THAT is one of my favorite comic series ever. That was back when I was reading comics regularly. I like the animated movie they did, but the comics had so many more characters in it. I always dreamed they'd make that into a movie one day, but not a 75-minute movie like what it actually turned out to be...

    I did watch the 'Superman Unbound' movie recently. I wasn't all that thrilled with it, but it was okay. I'll have to watch it again, I suppose. I think my favorite of the animated movies they're doing these days (as far as Superman goes, at least) is definitely 'Superman Vs. the Elite'. Although...'Superman Doomsday', and...'Superman/Batman Apocalypse' were pretty good movies, too. (I had to go back and reread the 'Superman/Batman Apocalypse' issues after that movie--man did they make Wonder Woman and Supergirl look hot!) this is a fun topic. I'm glad I started it.


  • problemaddict

    okage soke the truth. Lets also just for the sake of a more general (read: less nerdy), critique, talk about the other facets that shamed the movie.

    1) Score. The score was terrible. i realize that nothing can truely achieve the status of the original score, but that score was an extention of who Superman really was. It was brilliant, and should have been lifted and used with permission.

    2) Character developement. I didn't care about anyone. Nobody. The dialogue was contrived, and lacked emotional apex. Even the developement of Superman himself left something to be desired. It clearly has amazing potential. You could see the moments that they got right (him pulling up the school bus for example). But they failed to capitalize.

    3) Powers: Did he have to yell like a lion everytime he did something?

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I just didn't like the guy.

  • *lost*

    Thought it was brilliant, and that they nailed it.

    My daughter thought it was amazing. There are very few 'amazing' films being made these days.

    It felt 'real' the effects were amazing, and you felt a 'part of the film'.

    Great foundation for a set of newer, modern films which will fit into our technological age.

    Superman has evolved.

    I was actually thinking about morals yesterday, and the death sentence.

    why should people who commit henious crimes and hurt other human beings be protected ?

    Why should they not bring back the death penalty for some crimes ?

    Why should child molester and murderers be allowed to live ?

    How much is it costing comnunities to keep these criminals in jail. Millions, when there are old people and young people going without ?

    For me, the film brought back a lot of what we call 'old fashioned qualities'. Hopefully it is setting the scene for our modern era.

    Good shall conquer evil, for evil to exist, all it needs is for 'good' men to stand idly by.

    It was great to see a film with my kids, based on what we knew as kids. I think we all need good super heroes, and an occasional escape

    from reality, where we can dream of a better world.

  • Satanus

    Based on comments, i'll wait for the video release.


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