Oh, WOW! I just got back from Shreveport (gambling, casinos!)
But let me be clear (as Obama says...). The WTS is in spiritual darkness. I disfellowshipped them from Jehovah's Heavenly organization on November 10, 1992, 45 days before the 2nd coming on December 25, 1992. So they know who they are. This fulfills the revealing of the "man of lawlesness" before the 2nd coming. But it turns out it has a pattern fulfillment in the 1290 days and 1335 days. Anyway, they are in darkness and since Jehovah's Day is said to be a day of darkness, it is not expected that they will be changing any of their false teacfhings, even if they'd like to.
You see, for them to incorporate some of the new light, they'd have to admit that they are outside of God's favor right now.
Anyway, the per the Bible, the organized religion under JWs is the "broad road." This is now leading off into destruction. Those who are paying attention will end up following the "cramped and narrow path" and leaving that broad road. Thus there is no alternative public organized religion to join that God has ordained.
The WTS is the Lamb-Dragon beast that is a sister to the 666-Beast, which represents Christendom. Both are cast into the lake of fire at or just before Armageddon and "while still alive" meaning they will be functioning and carrying on an active religion right until the very end.
Anyway, I guess I was missed after a few days. I needed to get away and I'm rested and ready to face the next phase of what I have to do.