My Spaceship await's the Lars58 and all other good Messiahs and Christians!

by PleiadesPoliceman 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PleiadesPoliceman

    Lars58, you will be riding shotgun with me back to Pleiades because you have proven yourself a stand up guy! Lars58, what seminary school did you graduate from, you intrigue me very much. Lars, are you up for a space flight at 5000x lightspeed?

    Lars58, you are of the annointed, how did the new doctrine make you feel? Standing by too long I am now going to take a stand and say the watchtower is wrong by knocking off our precious annointed Christians by telling us they are not part of the composite Slave. My blood is boiling, Lars58 what can we do to stop their lies about the Truth of annointed Christians. I am of the annointed too, my partaking did not go unnoticed by them in charge!

  • Satanus

    Hey, don't take away our jesus messiah. Some of us have grown fond of him. Every site needs its own messiah;) Is it his fault if the wt corp rulers don't abdicate and hand over controls to him?


  • mrsjones5

    Yeah, every site needs a messiah or two.

  • PleiadesPoliceman

    I will return him in the same condition if not better, I love Lars58 and do enjoy his posts very much! I wish I lived by him in Texas, he is someone I would enjoy hanging out with!

  • frankiespeakin

    You weren't supposed to show up until the next Halley's comet arrives.

  • Comatose

    Love your name.

  • mP

    Is this spaceship cheaper than virgin galatic ? When will it be ready for luanch ?

  • AwareBeing

    Will you guys be hitching a ride on one of the Maitreya star ships?

  • Larsinger58

    Oh, WOW! I just got back from Shreveport (gambling, casinos!)


    But let me be clear (as Obama says...). The WTS is in spiritual darkness. I disfellowshipped them from Jehovah's Heavenly organization on November 10, 1992, 45 days before the 2nd coming on December 25, 1992. So they know who they are. This fulfills the revealing of the "man of lawlesness" before the 2nd coming. But it turns out it has a pattern fulfillment in the 1290 days and 1335 days. Anyway, they are in darkness and since Jehovah's Day is said to be a day of darkness, it is not expected that they will be changing any of their false teacfhings, even if they'd like to.

    You see, for them to incorporate some of the new light, they'd have to admit that they are outside of God's favor right now.

    Anyway, the per the Bible, the organized religion under JWs is the "broad road." This is now leading off into destruction. Those who are paying attention will end up following the "cramped and narrow path" and leaving that broad road. Thus there is no alternative public organized religion to join that God has ordained.

    The WTS is the Lamb-Dragon beast that is a sister to the 666-Beast, which represents Christendom. Both are cast into the lake of fire at or just before Armageddon and "while still alive" meaning they will be functioning and carrying on an active religion right until the very end.

    Anyway, I guess I was missed after a few days. I needed to get away and I'm rested and ready to face the next phase of what I have to do.

  • AwareBeing

    Lars, I doubt that your disfellowshipping the WT corp. made any difference!

    Since it was funded along with two other cults by the Rockefellers.

    These religions are elitists constructs, with Illuminati agendas.

    They only shown enough light, to mop up people who left mainstream churches.

    Thus, Satan could maintain control over the disgruntled masses.

    So neither the WT, nor the others were ever a part of YHWH's heavenly family.

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