Former COs that Become Inactive

by Bob_NC 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Vidiot
    Julia Orwell - "I know a former CO who was dfd for being a pedophile, and then jailed, then reinstated, then dfd again for adultery, then reinstated..."

    Like I've said before, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel to find willing "qualified brothers", these days.

  • DesirousOfChange

    My wife & I made the observation that it's been years since we've had a CO that was the older, kindly grandpa-like figure that you respected and who really seemed to have the welfare of the "flock" at heart. Particularly the last 3 or 4 have been totally "company men". Hard nosed, by-the-[elders]book hard-liners. Deleting Elders/MS that didn't toe the line. Appointing teenagers as MS and young MS as Elders. I can think of at least two locally who still live with parents. Young, dumb, opinionated, and now "puffed up with pride".


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Even among those who "stay the course" while harboring misgivings, one wonders whether they regret how they've spent their lives and feel trapped by the folly of their youthful decisions.

  • Emery

    A former CO who then became a substitute CO in South Carolina got disfellowshipped a little over a year ago. He had an "emotional" relationship with a married pioneer sister in his congregation.

  • DNCall

    CO from the 1950s became inactive, got into grandiose business schemes that never got off the ground. He was eventually diagnosed as extreme bipolar. In a fit of mania, he raised hundreds of thousands of dollars (something he could never do in his right mind) from doctors who invested in a business that existed only in his head. The episode ended when he drove a Lincoln up the stairs of the Beverly Hills City Hall. His loving wife stuck with him through all of that. This isn't hearsay or rumor. He told me this himself with his wife in the room. They struggled financially. Last I saw them, they were managing an apartment buidling and living on his disability checks and still associated. He was one of the kind ones, good speaker, played the piano, wrote songs, not a company man.

  • mouthy

    John Wyatt from England also a C,Servant. left on their own not DF

  • goatshapeddemon

    Emery, by what name? Not Matt Vann by chance?

  • Emery

    sent you a PM goatshapeddemon.

  • karter

    Max Divergent,The C.O who made ghengis khan look soft,Han Hubler ??...think he may have been a close relative of Hitler by the way he behaved.

    Yadda yadda 2,Joe was from Iranian decent his wife was a NZ Moari last heard Joe was liveing in Sydney.


  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    The C.O who made ghengis khan look soft,Han Hubler ??...think he may have been a close relative of Hitler by the way he behaved.

    No, it wasn't Hubler. I never met him. I think this facist was Phillip somthing. A young-sh guy, maybe 40 somthing. I never talked to him.

    In the E/MS meeting he went through everyone's service record - not sure he named names, but everyone knew that if we wanted to stay in our positions we personally, and the publishers in our groups, needed to have bigger numbers on their reports. The brothers were all just silent and squirming: it was a pretty liberal body, but the conservative elders were slowly gaining ground and now they had a new ally. The CO's talk to the cong was just a watered down version of the same shite.

    I got pulled aside over my reports a few weeks later by my liberal friend elders. In any case, my reports were completly fabricated and were designed to show a steady decline from about 10 or 12 in the old days to 3 to 5 or lower as I became 'sick'. I tried 'forgetting' to put one in one month and my friend the Secretary said not to worry, he put in 12 for me (four times the reality, and he knew it).

    In retrospect they must have been desperate to keep liberal allies as MS with the hope of getting them on the elder body to keep the balance their way. But I must have seemed to have let them down by claiming ill health and asking to be removed. Not what they expected.

    They fought and fought with me to just to be seen more in the FS and to put in bigger numbers and everything would be ok. But what I was really doing was leaving the truth. I got announced as deleted the meeting before a long planned and lengthy vacation, then never, ever, ever went back to meetings and had no contact with any JWs. That was 15 years ago.

    All good now.

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