Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-23-2013 WT Study (MAKE SURE)

by blondie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    How awe-inspiring

    it must have been for Ezekiel

    to see this vision! He saw Jehovah in full

    control of his organization, directing its

    movement through his holy spirit. What

    an amazing representation of the heavenly

    part of Jehovah’s organization on

    the move!

    So what reason is there to think that this has anything to do with an organization? It's an effin' CHARIOT! How does that become an organization? That's like saying a pizza is an organization, or a car, or a chicken. Anything can be an organization, apparently.


  • sd-7


    wanted Daniel to see that His organization

    is in motion, accomplishing

    His purpose. Daniel also saw “someone

    like a son of man,” Jesus, being given

    oversight of the earthly part of Jehovah’s


    So now the author of this article apparently--somehow--knows exactly what it was Jehovah wanted Daniel to see. Here I thought nobody could know the mind of God...

    And "Jesus, being given oversight of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization"????? There must be something wrong with my glasses, because there is NOTHING in these verses about an organization, much less Jesus being given oversight of an organization. Kingdom? Yeah. Rulership? I can go with that. But organization isn't there. How do they get away with this stuff? If I had just read all the quoted verses too I probably would've been out years ago. Oh, wait, I was out years ago...three or four, to be exact...


  • sd-7

    First, Jesus stated that this preaching

    work would take his disciples “to

    the most distant part of the earth.”

    (Acts 1:8) Second, arrangements would

    be needed to provide spiritual food and

    to care for those engaged in this work.

    (John 21:15-17) Third, provisions would

    have to be made so that those preaching

    the good news could gather together

    to worship Jehovah and be taught how

    to carry out the work. (Heb. 10:24, 25)

    Accomplishing these goals could not be

    done by accident. For Christ’s followers

    to be successful, the work would need

    to be well-organized.

    1. Holy spirit took care of that back in the day, without an organization. But now God needs a little help?

    2. Holy spirit taught people the truth. But now God needs to have a printing company, 'cause holy spirit is just a little low.

    3. Was just listening to Acts last night, by coincidence. Know what I didn't hear? Territory cards being handed out, field service reports being taken, people practicing field service presentations, people being told what the 'offer of the month' is. So apparently, Christ's followers were NOT successful because the work was not organized as Jehovah's Witnesses are doing today. That's right--we're better than the apostles were on their best day! Mmm! Chest-bump!


  • WTWizard

    Make sure of the "more important things". That is, those things designed to waste your time so you won't be able to cross-reference anything. You will not be able to do anything that might debunk the whole of Christi-SCAM-ity. You will instead be spreading the cancer, usually to places where it will have zero results. You will stagnate, program your soul to poverty and misery, and return poor to do it all again. This is certainly not the way to true spirituality. And you are not going to even see if it will work--staying away from all things Satanic is a sure way to make sure nothing will work.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Thanks Blondie!

    Looks like "Jehovah's earthly organization" has thrown up its hands and given up on reaching Muslems, Hindus, Buddhists, and most of the rest of Asia's population. All they do is pass out cheap tracts to people that are already well acquainted with many other Christian religions. They don't have anything meaningful that would begin to convert non-Christians. JWs don't even have Bibles in case a householder should ask for one. Their "preaching work" is just spinning their wheels to report meaningless and inaccurate statistics to congratulate themselves. And what kind of future are they expecting? WT Corporation is selling off branches and their Brooklyn properties to disappear into the woods.

    When they say, "Make Sure of the More Important Things," what they mean is, "Make Sure to Bow Down to the Golden Jackasses in Brooklyn, the DOs, the COs, and the Local Elders."

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Thank you Blondie for all your hard work for all of us.

    I am so sorry you are in pain. (((((Gentle Hugs of friendship and Support)))))

    If you need surgery I hope you can go in soon.

    I will be thinking about you.

    Have a good week and hopefully as pain free as possible.

    Just Lois

  • frankiespeakin

    God Paragraphs 5 and 6 are so full of assumptions and great leaps in logic it is truley pitiful:

    We thrill at reading the descriptions of Jehovah’s heavenly arrangement written by Isaiah, Ezekiel,

    and Daniel and in John’s Revelation account.(Isa. 6:1-4; Ezek. 1:4-14, 22-24;Dan. 7:9-14; Rev. 4:1-11) It is as if Jehovah

    pulled back a curtain and allowed us to peer into the heavens. Why did he provide this information?

    6 Jehovah wanted us never to forgetthat we are part of a universal organization.

    There is much more going on in support of Jehovah’s purposes than what we can see.

    They are so full of themselves that they are speaking for Jehovah even assuming to know his motives, which proves Jehovah is just the Corporations sock puppet. They put words in Jehovah's mouth just like he's their sock puppet. They even put thoughts in Jehovah head. Jehovah the Corporation's very own slave deity who will say, think and do what ever the Corporation say he does.

  • SAHS


    “The pre-1914 volumes of Studies in the Scriptures , The Finished Mystery, Millions Now Living Will Never Die!, The Harp of God, and virtually any Watchtower prior to 1950 will really 'provide intriguing insight into the Organisation.'”

    That’s for sure! Viva la Internet! It’s a true gift from God.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Blondie I thought the same thing about paragraph 5.

    First sentence reads: 'There are many things that Jehovah chose not to include in his written Word.'

    So my first thought was.....So where in the hell did 1914 come from? 1914 is such a heavy-duty and significant doctrine/teaching of WT, why didn't the Almighty himself mention it in his written Word?

    Wishing you good health Blondie!

  • punkofnice

    4. ....In a similar manner, by far most of us today courageously preach God’s Word.

    'most' is a weazel word.

    So why aren't they preaching in Afganistan for example, and the Muslim world?

    Why aren't members of the GB spearheading a preaching campaign in the middle east?

    Afraid they won't get a 'resurrection TM ' if they get killed? No money in it?

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