Do JW's even read the Watchtower?

by zound 26 Replies latest jw friends


    Most speed read and underline the 6th grade reading level, spoon fed answers for the study edition either on Saturday evening or Sunday morning depending on what time their meeting is.

    Even when I believed I did not read all of the articles.

  • ?evrything

    i NEVER read a whole mag.

  • sir82
    underline the 6th grade reading level, spoon fed answers

    You give them far too much credit. I'd put it at about 4th grade at most.

  • Simon

    They don't really sit and read it, they tend to cherry pick odd verses so everything is out of context.

    I remember listening to talks where they'd even pick odd sentences out of single scriptures.

    The bible is already pretty vague and unintelligible for many things, doing this allows you to make it say whatever you want it to.

  • carla

    This has been asked before on the board and I brought up this topic with my jw a few times throughout the years. His response? "maybe that's why they are ex jw's" I guess only the diehards read them?

  • punkofnice

    I tried to read the mags....I really, really tried.

    I failed. The articles were so uninteresting. Shallow.

    All I saw when I tried to research a subject was how it related to doing more door knocking etc. and doing more, more, more ad infinitum.

    As WTWizard might say 'It's a complete waste of time.'

  • Simon

    Oops, I just realized I answered "Do JWs even read the bible"

  • DesirousOfChange

    I'm convinced that JWs do not read the WT literature anywhere as closely as do many EX-JWs.

    If they did, it's possible that they too would be EX-JWs.


  • Ding

    There's a LOT of repetition in WT articles.

    They put different window dressing on them but it's the same basic stuff unless they're coming out with "new light."

  • infernosdante

    i didn't,the closest i came to reading them was when i conducted the wtwr study. lol

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