I remember being in high school hoping I would make it to see graduation sometimes even praying for it as I could feel the end was near. But I graduated leaving behind prospects for school because I knew I needed to work hard in service to prove I deserved the real life. I heard a talk at a convention that nearly guaranteed this system would be wrapping up soon and it scalded my mind with assurance that I was not sacrificing for anything.
I remember in the keynote address the speaker said we would only be back for another convention if God wanted. I guess he must really love that convention center because we came back a bunch more times and continue to use the place.
That was 5 years ago and I can't help but look back and think about how much I wasted waiting on something that didn't happen- huge let down. I remember every counselor and school offer that I turned away because I had what none of them could give me, a "guarantee."
What did you lose for your guarantee?
p.s. I'm in school now but it still kind of sucks to think that I would have been done a long time ago.