There is no point of referenece for your question unless you have been in a position of death before your eyes. I have many cousins who were in Vietman, Gulf War 1 and our longest running War yet. My grandmother had 17 kids, so you can understand when the average kid of Grandma had 6 kids, it makes a hell of a family reunion!
One of the born-again cousins was telling me while they were under fire in Afghanistan, two of the unbelievers who thought they were going to die were asking my cousin "Baptist origin" to hold hands and pray with them. These bad-ass men are part of the Special Forces, really it's big talk to say what you would do when there is no credible demise before your eyes like those bold soldiers in Afghanistan. Micheal had no problem praying with these seasoned soldiers asking Jesus to come into their lives. Did he mock them or say "Ah, No Atheist in Foxholes!", absolutely not, he rejoiced and welcomed them to the Family of God and Jesus Christ.
Let's be realistic, most of your hearts would drop into your stomach if you woke up to see the Sun blackened and the Moon absolutely blood red, with a white glowing sky. It would scare me good and I believe, I can't phathom how much it would impact someone who denied Jesus Christ. There will alway's be that well placed twinge of fear the Society nicely put into our hearts that make's up fear we were never good enough to survive unless we were doing back flips in Field Service. The long-timers here on this board know what I am talking about, we lived off fear and you can't undue what the Organization did, it's like Porn, once you see a photo it's their for life. I hope everyone would repent if they saw the Sign of Jesus Christ and repented, only a demon would desire anyone here to die. We are suppose to love our fellow man and woman, not desire their Merry Destruction like many of us were guilty of in Field Service when a householder said "I am a Catholic and I will die a Catholic" only to have us snicker "Yes you will, Yes you will die a Catholic!"
I love you all and do not mean any disrespect to any of you! I think we all would be so scared, even people we assume are so high moral and good, it would be absolute fear inspiring!