Hey guys it's been about three months since I've been on here, since then a lot has happened. I left my family, moved in with my boyfriend and I am free of the cult. My dad still talks to me but my other relatives haven't said a thing to me. I miss everyone especially my mom but I know that if I went back I would be living a lie. I'm happy, sad, and free. Woot woot.
I'm Back In Yet Gone.. I HAVE RETURNED
by OneStepOut93 10 Replies latest jw friends
Your dad is super cool. Hang in there, maybe Mother will soften her position.
Congratulations on your new life. You are going to be fine.
Thanks WhatHappened and I doubt it but it would be nice if she did.
Good for you. Enjoy your newfound freedom. Blow up some fireworks on the 4th. Celebrate your birthday. etc.
Also, nice avatar.
My daughter was shunning me and she softened up. I wrote her heart wrenching letters begging her not to shun me. She and her husband allow me to call anytime and I also get to visit them in there home. The rule is I don't trash the WBTS. I am not df'd or da'd, just have told her ttatt and she thinks I am an apostate.
Mother love can be very strong. Where you real close?
Thank you Shador I plan to! And yes whathappened we were very close but she's also extremely zealous... she doesn't even talk to her brother and sister who are disfellowshipped.
Congratulations OneStepOut93 with at least being able to talk with your Dad and I hope that things workout well for you and your boyfriend.
Maybe with time your mother will soften her position. I would recommend reading Steve Hassan's book "Freedom of Mind: Helping Love Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs" to improve your chances of helping your mother to critically think for herself about shunning you. If you have not heard or read about Steve Hassan and his methods, you can view the following video for 1-1/2 hrs to learn more: Steve Hassan explains SIA method to rescue loved ones from unhealthy situations (2003). Also, reading Steve Hassan's books may help you to discovery your hidden cult phobias.
Best of wishes with a wonderful and happy life free of the WTBTS.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
finally awake
congratulations! freedom comes with a cost, but it's worth it
You sound happy considering that your family does not express your feelings.
Did you know there were no contracts for marriage in bibical days. Hope that helps!
So if you are one on one and both happy in love it is good with God, your married in his eyes.
Congratualtions, the freedom of which your speak is more valuable than you can imagine, but saying that I hope your relationships with other JW family members improve.