Now gays can have the joy of divorce, alimony and child support in all the states that allow such joy!!! Enjoy, you deserve the right to these things and selfish straight people have been holding on to such wonderful rights for far too long. Now get those lawyers ready, let the real battles rage and see what comes from all those marriages you fought to hard and strong for. Peace and enjoy reality!
Gays Win!
by free2beme 27 Replies latest jw friends
Yep true equality for all - we can now all enjoy the misery of marriage break-up equally
This can only be a good thing.
In 40 years it will seem as backward that it wasn't always this way as it is now to look back at segregation.
new hope and happiness
free to be you...a question. Why do you wish to deprive others the right to be " free to be them" ?
new hope and happiness
Sorry " free to be you" i thiught you were being negative ...i agree 100% with you.
" Now get those lawyers ready, let the real battles rage and see what comes from all those marriages you fought to hard and strong for."
All your straight divorces are so drab and boring... all talk and no drama. Trust me, we're going to take mediation to a whole new level of production. You haven't seen sh*t on Real Housewives until you see two queens fighting over a Reflections of Joan Crawford Portrait collection.
Probably not for this post but I do not want to hear about the "gays plight one bit". Blacks, other immigrants, and women have had it way tougher. Just my opinion.
new hope and happiness
yes a persons sexuality should remain independent of our we judge them...unless it hurts the innocent.
Bullshit!! Explain to me how women, immigrants and blacks have had it worse than gays?
new hope and happiness
i dont get the comparrison ? everything..Does not every repressed and victomized minority deserves equal feelings of compassion and acceptence?