New Rumor - Watchtower and Awake in one magazine only?

by TJ Curioso 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • steve2

    nesting more correct as overlapping. LOL

  • Pubsinger

    They'd still claim they printed the same amount of 'separate' magazines even if they merged them into one.

    It's only like them claiming for years that they had 5 meetings a week when it was actually only 3.

    They still go to 5 meetings a week when it's now only 2.

  • Heartofaboy

    The light is not getting brighter it's just lighter ..........

  • jookbeard

    Shador, love your terminology, you've learnt fast! wonder what the pionsneers think of it all? The gibbering body must finally be waking up and seeing their pathetic negative and zero rates on their report, still it makes lighter work for those in Beth'hell

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's not fair to deprive the world of more toilet paper.

  • jookbeard

    the most unread magazine in world history

  • MrFreeze

    Sounds exactly like the next step to me.

    Pubsinger, it's like when record companies release an album that consists of a two CD set. They count it as two album sales everytime they sell one.

    Heartofaboy, have you ever wiped your butt with the magazines? I'll spend the extra money and get Charmin thank you.

  • frankiespeakin

    Next step for the WT to cut cost sell all printing equipment and building then have pubs download and print:

    Have service meeting where publisher are instructed: How to by copy machines, how to down load files from their site to printer, then how to fold and arange in magazine form for feild service.

    The WT can then tout how the light is increasing and that this new arrangement has made the Organization more efficient and most importantly how it has Jehovah the sock puppets blessing.

    Have the anual corporation meeting where David Splane can say: We of the Governing Body love this idea because it dignifies the Great Crowd by giving them a greater share in the cost of this ministry.

  • straightshooter

    To print the magazines off the internet would fit in with the persecution that will come. After all, during previous persecutions, typewriters and copiers were used to reproduce the magazines. This will let individuals use current technology to spread the word "secretly".

  • frankiespeakin

    Dam Straight,

    Good one, They can say that Jehovah/sock puppet is prepareing them for the future persecution and that they should down load file for the final judgement message now and store them on their computer so that when the governments make their attack on the corporation they will still be able to deliver it.

    Kinda ties in nicely to a big sell off of property and down sizing and calming down suspicion.

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