Keep your valuable things. And this includes more than money. Your sexuality, whether involving homosexuality, bisexuality, group sex, promiscuity, whatever--why are they always so up in arms against it? Damnation for your soul, that's why.
Your valuable things include your time, energy, and health. Why are they so eager to steal all of the above from you? Does it do your soul good to stand behind that stupid cart while you are sick with the flu, when it is -30 C or +40 C out, or you are suffering allergies? And who ever takes the littera-trash and studies from it these days? Even door to door is a waste of time, since very few ever come to the door and take anything. So long as the alpha draconians do not destroy the Internet, they are going to have a miserable time trying to get recruits for the time people waste.
And no, I am not leaving out money. You earn that money, and if you feel you are getting value out of that money by donating, keep doing so. But, what value do you get from donating to the washtowel? Donate to the animal shelter, you might face the same hardship but save an animal from cruelty. With the washtowel, you suffer the hardship plus help damn more souls. Value?
And I do not give a fxxx about the fake deficits they suffer. They can whine all they want about being victims, yet they do not create any value. Indeed, they create negative value. I myself would rather march to my local coin shop or online bullion dealer and buy a handful of silver quarters or half dollars than donate toward worldwide enslavement, communism, and damnation. And, if they continue being so bigoted against sexuality and hateful toward women, they don't deserve my valuable things.