Stephen Lett admits income/expenditure shortfall as he reminds Witnesses to donate “valuable things”

by defender of truth 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    It's well worth taking a look at the article, it will only take you a few minutes. But I would particularly like to highlight this part:

    If you are going to divulge a shortfall in funds, particularly with the aim of leveraging more donations (or “valuable things”) from a pool of supporters who are already lagging in this regard, the least you can do is treat them like adults and give some hard numbers. Nowhere in Lett’s rather patronizing, condescending comments is a single figure cited regarding the projected amounts of income and expenditure, and the shortfall between the two. Everything is left to the imagination (or, more accurately, gullibility) of the viewer.
  • WTWizard

    Keep your valuable things. And this includes more than money. Your sexuality, whether involving homosexuality, bisexuality, group sex, promiscuity, whatever--why are they always so up in arms against it? Damnation for your soul, that's why.

    Your valuable things include your time, energy, and health. Why are they so eager to steal all of the above from you? Does it do your soul good to stand behind that stupid cart while you are sick with the flu, when it is -30 C or +40 C out, or you are suffering allergies? And who ever takes the littera-trash and studies from it these days? Even door to door is a waste of time, since very few ever come to the door and take anything. So long as the alpha draconians do not destroy the Internet, they are going to have a miserable time trying to get recruits for the time people waste.

    And no, I am not leaving out money. You earn that money, and if you feel you are getting value out of that money by donating, keep doing so. But, what value do you get from donating to the washtowel? Donate to the animal shelter, you might face the same hardship but save an animal from cruelty. With the washtowel, you suffer the hardship plus help damn more souls. Value?

    And I do not give a fxxx about the fake deficits they suffer. They can whine all they want about being victims, yet they do not create any value. Indeed, they create negative value. I myself would rather march to my local coin shop or online bullion dealer and buy a handful of silver quarters or half dollars than donate toward worldwide enslavement, communism, and damnation. And, if they continue being so bigoted against sexuality and hateful toward women, they don't deserve my valuable things.

  • konceptual99

    Very interesting. So you have several big construction projects moving forward right now with Warwick, Temple Farm (UK branch) and South Africa branch. In the UK they want to do well over 200 KH projects. That's not because they are needed for new congregations but because there are a host of congregations that have halls that they own outright and don't owe any money on. They need these congregations to build a new one so they can get a recurring revenue stream from their donations. The same model is being rolled out around the world.

    There is a host of other building work going on.

    The cost of this work is clearly WAY beyond the levels of donations coming in however they are neglecting to mention that the cost of these works is more than covered by the value of the real estate they have in places like Brooklyn and Mill Hill. If cash flow is an issue they must be able to borrow against the value of these. But they won't.

    So, what happens... they get a cash injection now based on the response to this call to action. They then realise the value of their assets and don't publicise it. When these projects come to fruition they will herald it like it's some amazing blessing from Jehovah and get yet another round of funding on the back of that. Not to mention the influx of visitors to the new HQ "theme parks" that will all donate...

    Any other corporation would call what they are doing "investing", for which investors would stand to get a return. They cannot use the word "investing" for several reasons. They are setting themselves up for years to come but cannot come clean about it.

  • joe134cd
    Money is clearly becoming an issue.
  • LisaRose

    When I was bamboozled into joining this religion they were very proud of the fact that they did not pass a plate for donations and did not ask for pledges, for "God loves a cheerful giver" They also denounced other churches for doing so. At least with churches there is some accountability, while who knows where the money goes with these clowns?

    Shaking down the congregations for every available dollar, bait and switch with disaster relief, sleight of hand with convention funds, they are starting to make televangelists look like amateurs by comparison. I think people are catching on and voting with their pocketbook. It's a losing game, they more they attempt to squeeze out donations the more people get turned off and find other uses for their hard earned cash. The logical next step is to have "New light" on donations and start tracking who gives and who doesn't.

  • fiddler
    The fact that the congregations in the 'wealthier' countries are comprised of older long time Jdubs might just make this latest ploy for donations a bit harder for the very reasons already stated. A lot of us HERE are in that age group and we remember the attitudes LisaRose sited...'no plate passed' and the pride that was taken in the NOT asking for donations. Actually, the accounts report was always, though a necessary business, an uncomfortable part of the meeting once a month when it came up. So, I'm thinking that there's going to be a LOT of discomfort over Lett's TV spot. Yes, this IS making televangelist look like amateurs!
  • Oubliette
  • PokerPlayerPhil
    "Money is currently the issue!". You realize that's been what's predicted by many of you over the years, I am making a bold prediction that the Governing Body will take acting lessons and learn how to turn on a spigot of tears to make these old sisters on SDI or Medicaid and Welfare give their money so these idiots don't have to work! Their a horrible group of men, they have $$$$$ Billions of dollars no doubt in Hedge Funds making money while their begging for cash that's not transparent!
  • Oubliette

    Look, Stephen Lett is dumber than dumb.

    Everyone that is still contributing to this organization is being scammed by con-men hiding behind a religious organization.

    It is likely that behind Lett and the other GB members is a cadre of lawyers and accountants that are robbing this organization blind. They are milking it for the fat cash-cow that it is.

    Wake up. You're being ripped off.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    they have $$$$$ Billions of dollars no doubt in Hedge Funds making money

    They could have billions of dollars in hedge funds losing money. Do not think for a moment that hedge funds always make money, over the past three months there have many unexpected extreme swings on the financial market. Euro, oil, gold, Swiss Franc too name a few.

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