My Dad is currently attending a week long elders school. Dad is in his 70's and not in great health at the moment so this is adding to my anger that he is having to leave the house at 7am and doesn't return until 6pm and then has to lock himself away to study further in preparation for the next day.
He has also been told he is not to discuss anything about the school with other elders until they have all attended.
So I'd like to know what they do there. What are they learning about that isnt' already out there for all to read anyway.
They can't be learning more bible stuff as the bible is there to be read by the general public so I can only assume that its all top secret stuff that the rest of the congregation can't know about.
But a whole week? Why so long? I know he had to print lots of info off to take with him. He even bought a new printer for this! That pissed me off too.
So please can some elders respond. Thanks