This one, it's not about the Bible or Jesus, it's about mainstream historiography, which is my favourite subject. I have lots of books on history theory and practice, probably more than any other subject.
Would anyone be interested in a review of Richard Carriers "Proving History"?
by bohm 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
What's a good book to get started in this field?
I ask you slimboyfat as I've never so many books in one house before.
Lol I've got rid of most of them, sent them to the warehouse. I still have around 2000 books at home that are my own however.
The book I linked above is a pretty good introduction to methods applied to the study of history.
SBF: Interesting. I think carrier come quite close to claim novelty, and there is at least one piece of prior work asides the book you mentioned.
Cool, I'll check it out. My history itself is pretty rusty, I could do with brushing up with some good material.
If anybody would be interested in my review I have made a draft, I would be very interested in comments or suggestions, and I think it would be interesting to anyone who is interested in Carriers thesis. The bottom line is I do not agree with much of the book.
The URL for the review is this: