We went to a second hand book fair with literally 100 000+ books and I found some Bible Teach books in the religion section. Of course very few people go to the religion section, but anyway I got out my pen and wrote jwfacts.com on the title pages. It's small, but it could just save someone.
Did my bit for our cause today!
by Julia Orwell 10 Replies latest jw friends
I remember the first time I took a sharpie and wrote "THIS IS A CULT" and JWFACTS.COM on the covers lol. good times...
We need some stickers.....
Whatever happened to the sticker thread, where someone actually made stickers with SilentLambs.org, JWFacts.org, etc. on them to stick on literature at the laundromat?
Julia Orwell
You can run stickers from MS Word if you buy some Avery labels for your printer. I might do that.
Sticker thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/253444/1/Stickers-complete-with-QR-Code-for-Laundromats
Nice job Julia. I keep my eye out for opportunities to do little things like that too. So far nothing has presented itself.
But when it does....
I had a toy with this...
· Do you want to be prevented from celebrating Birthdays, Christmas and other celebrations and be told that if you do God will kill you soon?
· Do you want loved ones to die because 8 men in Brooklyn say you are not allowed a lifesaving Blood Transfusion?
· Do you want to belong to a religion that makes numerous false prophecies about the end of the world?
· Do you want to belong to a religion that hides the identities of paedophiles, won’t report them to the authorities and allows them to still associate with your children?
· Do you want to have ALL your thoughts controlled by 8 men in Brooklyn U.S.A?
If you answered ‘YES’ to these questions then you should join Jehovah’s Witnesses.
If you are still in doubt please visit - www.silentlambs.org
Please check the Sex Offenders Register before allowing a Jehovah’s Witness into your home.
Julia Orwell
Very nice. We could slip them in to people's return visits.
Heh. I printed out those stickers but on bright construction paper, more in the form of little cards rather than stickers. I have been surreptitiously leaving them in bathroom stalls.... at the convention.
Shador, you are wicked...I love that idea!