Thanks for reading the 3-part series on the contradictory characterization of Lot in Genesis vs 2nd Peter, analyzing Genesis 19 and comparing it to 2nd Peter 2. In the articles, I took a step-by-step approach to show how 2nd Peter's declaring Lot as "righteous" was exactly the OPPOSITE GOAL of the author of Genesis, since the point of the story is how unrighteous Lot was saved NOT due to his righteousness, but on behalf of his righteous Uncle Abraham (the star of the Torah).
Of course, the book of 2nd Peter is widely acknowledged by NT scholars to be a fraudulent work, written under a pseudonymous (fake) name in order to 'patch up' some loose ends in the Torah, likely to support then-blossoming doctines of Christianity. Of particular interest to ex-JWs is that one intent was to support the duty to warn others of the coming end of days, including the JW's beloved scripture, Matt 28:19, that justifies their preaching work: "Go thereforth and make disciples...." The only support for the claim that Noah preached before the Flood is found in 2nd Peter, so it's a dubious claim.
In the latest article, I examine the Flood account in Genesis 6, showing how God had already condemned mankind even BEFORE he offered the covenant agreement to Noah, so there's absolutely no reason for Noah to be a "preacher of righteousness", as 2nd Peter claims, since God's judgment had already been passed, and death sentence had been handed down.
As always, comments are welcome, either here or there.