at the DC right now,disgusting talk

by losingit 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Never_Enough

    I think it's awesome you're posting this from a DC!

    Remember the old stories of people sneaking publications into prisons and concentration camps? I get a real kick out of you doing the exact opposite; sneaking an 'apostate website' right in their midst.

    The erosion of their control is palpable.

  • oppostate

    Well, this District Convention has been a lot easier for me to put up with!

    I've now slept through most of the talks.

    The only times I catch some of the dribble is when my wife elbows me because she hears me start to snore loudly.

  • LostGeneration

    So why are you there?

    Walk out, never go back.

  • rebel8

    accept the torture stake and find real peace with God

    What does that even mean...

  • NeverKnew

    OMG, Rebel8 I'm crying in laughter!

    It doesn't matter WHAT you really look like. Now and forevermore, you will look like the woman in the ninth second of this video to me.

  • wasblind

    Accept the torture stake involved in confessing union with Christ ?????????

    If this don't drive folks Bat crazy what will

    Why on earth would he tell folks to except the very thing the WTS say to shun ?????

    Why should Witnesses accept somethin' that is supposed to be detestable to God?????

    I heard the " It's only figurative speech " Excuse

    And I know folks ain't expected to tote the literal cross on thier backs

    but why even suggest in a figurative sense to do a detestable thing, that we are to shun

    That's jus like tellin' your child don't literally do a detestable thing

    jus' act like your doin' it

    Once again the WTS got it all wrong

    In phillippians 3:18 paul said " For there are many I used to mention them often but now I mention them in weeping, who are walking as the enemies of the torture stake of the Christ____NWT

    Question Who are the enemies of the cross ????? Jehovah's Witnesses that's who

    And paul doesn't sound to pleased in those who shun it

    Because through Jesus by means of the cross is salvation

    The WTS is sayin' that Jesus does not have the power to turn

    a negative into a postive



  • losingit

    Things are not as easy or as simple as what they seem; that's why I was at this year's DC.

    the talk these quotes came from: the truth brings not peace but a sword.

  • LostGeneration

    Actually they are that simple, people just like to make it out as being "complicated".

    If you were in the Jim Jones cult, would there be any reason for staying? Of course not. The Jehovah's Witness cult is only one level down from sick cults like the FLDS, Jim Jones, and David Koresh.

    Leave and never look back. Let the chips fall where they may land. Trust me, you will never regret spending a single minute more than you need to in that religion. Quit lying to yourself and simply leave, its never as bad as they say, and you will respect yourself much more if you walk out now.

  • losingit
  • losingit

    Perhaps they are that simple LostGeneration. I have to think abour it some more.

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