In 1914 a great war broke out and the JW's have used that to add credibility to their idea that Jesus took over power in that year and Satan was cast out to earth. What most people forget or do not realize is that Jesus said there would be 'wars and reports of wars' but no big deal for the time was not yet. Then of course the great tribulation would break out and would be a game changer, but in the 1960's the GB stopped saying the great tribulation started in 1914 and said its now a future event. So with what Jesus said and the GB admitting the great tribulation did not start in 1914, most people fail to realize that the great war that broke out in 1914 is irrelevant.
what most people fail to realize about 1914
by Crazyguy 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Calebs Airplane
Also, supposedly Jesus took the throne in October 2 or 3, 1914, then started a war in the heavens. At the end of this heavenly war, Jesus kicked Satan's ass and cast him down to the earth along with his demon soldiers. Afterwards, because he had great anger from getting his ass kicked, Satan decided to stir up some more shit by provoking the "Great War"...
Sounds half-way believable so far... except for one minor detail...
World War I started in July of 1914.
CG: you are taking the overlapping geberation away from us.
how dare you?!
Caleb: with the newly invented aeroplane, satan launched an pre emptied strike in August.
to detract from the birth of the kingdom. sneaky sneaky.
August 5th to be exact i believe. But it amazes me how much JW's can't see past the 1914 because of the war not even realizing what i first posted. This war is the proof they have, so they think.
Another piece I forgot to mention is the term the great crown of other sheep. We the rank and file are considered this but again the great crowd comes out of the great tribulation. So no great tribulation then how can there already be a great crowd.
Truth seeker 674
Is evolution still crap? Crazy
what most people fail to realize about 1914
Also that the WTS. under C T Russell made the proclamation that this would be the year
that Armageddon would come about.
It didn't so the work went into proclaiming something else creatively to attract attention the WTS. published goods.
The doctrines of the WTS. were all false but have commercial value selling and proliferating literature.
1914 will be eventually dropped for it will run out of its value for the WTS publishing house.
There was a study WT recently that referenced 1914 about 15 times or so. They will keep this date for decades, if not for another century.
Why? Because it happened INVISIBLY. You can't disprove something that happened in heaven, now can you?
There is no real reason to drop it. How many times did you hear a little kid answer "1914" for some stupid question at a WT or book study?
Probably dozens, if not hundreds of times. Its one of their sacred cows, not to be disturbed until absolutely necessary. Yeah they might get a little bit of fallout from 2014 being 100 years of Jesus doing nothing.
But after that it will be clear sailing for the next 50 years, especially with their little overlapping generations teaching, which basically can be expanded to multiple generations without any dissent.
Truth seeker 674
How old are you Crazy?
If they drop 1914 and Christ taking the throne in heaven in that year they can broaden the last days continuously
and hang on to the generation Jesus spoke about in scripture.
In a way it would lift the anchor holding down the last days, including THIS generation, availing the time of the end
to float off to the foreseeable future.