The Watchtower Writers need to answer this question "Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history!"

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 73 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    How come the Watchtower will not side with Christendom and address a topic like the following? What if Christendom had allowed Islam to spread it's plunder into Europe without a fight and great force? I direct your attention to Islam spreading not as a distraction, but to ask the question most atheist have asked me when we talk of this subject. Usually they will direct me to the Crusades and Wars with Islamic regimes to attack the merits of Christians. Do you think we would still be in the Dark Ages? Remember please, Islamic countries in the late 1800s and early 1900s were quite poor and no allowance for freedom of expression and thought was permitted. Do you know what the "Poll Tax" is for unbelievers of Islam, most Atheist and Christians and Jews were forced to convert to Islam because of the massive economic burden.

    Next, who is behind the largest amount of murders in the shortest period of time, let's say the last Century, how many people were killed under Atheist rulers vs Christian Rulers?

    Would you exist now if Christians and other religions had not fought off the threat of Islamic Aggression? May your life have peace and remember, I love you all but I am tired of hearing the lies about Christians killing the most, let's talk about the merits of men who were in charge of Government who had the ability to better the human race and our experience, how did they do in their short bloody period?

    Atheism, not religion, is the real force behind the mass murders of history

    a interesting qoute "Atheist hubris

    The crimes of atheism have generally been perpetrated through a hubristic ideology that sees man, not God, as the creator of values. Using the latest techniques of science and technology, man seeks to displace God and create a secular utopia here on earth. Of course if some people - the Jews, the landowners, the unfit, or the handicapped - have to be eliminated in order to achieve this utopia, this is a price the atheist tyrants and their apologists have shown themselves quite willing to pay. Thus they confirm the truth of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's dictum, "If God is not, everything is permitted."

    Let's do the math and count how many people you think died under Christians ruling versus Atheism. Salem "Witch trials" were they only 25 who died?

    Dinesh D'Souza's

  • cofty

    AA - So far you have made an outlandish assertion.

    Now perhaps you could begin to back it up with evidence. Posting links to idiots like Dinesh D'Soua doesn't count.

    In your own words how has atheism been responsible for mass murder?

    You need to show causation not just correlation.

    Stalin and Hitler both had a mustache, therefore...... how many people were killed under rulers with a mustache vs rulers without one?

    Edited to add - Please don't ammend you post after somebody has replied to it.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Cofty, calling the writer a "idiot" is not your style, that's Sam Harris usual tactic. You know what he called Dr. Francisis Colllins because he believes in I.D.? He called him a idiot and a liar, why don't we allow the material to speak for itself, Hitler was not a Christian nor was he agnostic. Evidence shows he did not believe in any Christian Morals, his motto was ""Lebensunwertes Leben " "life unworthy of life"" .


    "The expression first occurs in the title of a 1920 book, Die Freigabe der Vernichtung Lebensunwerten Lebens (Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life) by jurist Karl Binding, retired from the University of Leipzig, and psychiatrist Alfred Hoche from the University of Freiburg, bothprofessors. According to Hoche, some living people who were brain damaged, mentally retarded, psychiatrically ill were "mentally dead", "human ballast" and "empty shells of human beings". Hoche felt killing such people was useful. Some people were simply considered disposable. [2] Later the killing was extended to people considered 'racially impure' or 'racially inferior' according to Nazi thinking. [3]"

    Fair enough Cofty, but you have to do the same, I told you how I use to debate my chess coach and provided you his name and from that you could find out what school he taught Biology in. He attacked anyone he did not like by calling them "idiots" and "stupid" or Dawkins favorite "Wickedly ignorant". Let's both use this session to trigger all those debates and arguments I enjoyed with my teacher. I was USCF rated 1984 after a couple of years of being taught by him over the internet. There is another person who debated this man on JWN, if I recall his name was "Metroactus" and I am very sure he is on JWN's webiste. He is very smart with the concept of Evolution and I.D. I wish he would comment on this topic, he is up there with Greg Stafford in mentally gifted self-taught brilliance. I wonder why so many people on JWN who know the subject of Atheism, Evolution, Christian Morales, Islamic Forced Conversions from birth to death, do not speak up on JWN. Should I assume they are tired from speaking this topic or have most of these threads gone up in spoke from anger and outrageous name calling? Why can't we talk about things without name calling?

    Sorry I amended the post Cofty, I was trying to juggle three different things while writing the first thread, it will not happen again after this post! Please forgive this error, I was not trying to trick or do something unethical my friend :)!

  • jam

    I guess we can ignore the OT in the Bible, all religious wars.

    OK the 21st century please stop me when come across an Atheist

    war or conflict.

    (1) Afghanistan war


    (3)Baluchiatan (Pakistan Government vs Baluch rebels)

    (4)Burundi civil war (Burundi government vs Hutu rebels)

    (5) Central African Republic Army mutiny (Libya and rebels from the Congo)

    (6) Chad Rebellion

    (7)Chechen war

    (8) Colombian civil war

    (9) Ivory coast civil war (mostly Muslim rebels)

    (10) The Ethiopia- Somalia war.

  • suavojr

    In our western society, if you kill in a gruesome way just one person VS. A serial killer who has killed many, the outcome is still the same. Although the serial killer might get more headlines, both killers can still potentially get the same sentence for their crimes.

    Which one is worst Arboles?

    People who have killed millions in the name of God? Or some that have killed millions in the name of power?

    Two reasons to kill:

    People with faith

    · To maintain power and promote their ideology

    · Expansion of a system and belief

    The same can be said of atheists:

    · To maintain power and promote their ideology

    · Expansion of a system and belief

    Whoever commits a crime and hurts another human being constitutes him/her as an enemy of life, freedom and happiness. Both parties deserve the same punishment.

    Check this link showing some Christian conduct

  • Isidore

    Lack of religion by key lunatics (Hitler, Stalin, etc.) cost more lives in the 20th century than all "religious conflicts" of previous centuries combined. But, I realize that this will fall on deaf religion haters ears that this site has in abundance. History revisionism is in fashion these days....

  • cofty
    ...Sam Harris usual tactic. You know what he called Dr. Francisis Colllins because he believes in I.D.? He called him a idiot and a liar - AA

    Please provide a source. You are either very confused or you are lying.

    Francis Collins would be horrified to hear his name linked with the dishonest pseudoscience of ID. He vehemently opposes ID because he is a real scientist.

    Dinesh is an idiot. That is not casual name-calling, it is my considered opinion after listening to hours of his debates.

    By the way Hitler was a Catholic. Most of his followers were RC or Lutheran. There was nothing atheistic about the Third Reich. Admittedly he was a very bad Catholic but he was never excommunicated.

    You have not answered my challenge to show causation.

  • cantleave

    So much ignorance on such a short thread.

  • jam

    Suavojr: good point, "Two reason to kill" "The same

    can be said of Atheists". It doesn't make one better then

    the other when it come to one killed or a thousand killed for

    their on personal cause.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Jam, killing is killing, we now have to define what killing is because to some it's ok to kill a baby the day before it's born and call it a "termination of a pregnancy", how many babies have been killed in the 21st Century by governments like China and any country that alllows you to decide what life is. The amount of babies killed in Abortions far exceeds the number of people destroyed in those wars. Can we look at the Wars as a Social Abortion of our enemies and races that do not agree with us or we fear?

    Wars started in those countries you mentioned, they are not following their teachers morals. People killing without morals have nobody to answer to, why are we pushing our morals down the throats of other humans trying to find their way through humanities Jungle? Jam, why do you think those wars you mentioned were wrong? What do you personally feel is moral and immoral when it comes to killing of human beings?

    When is it ok to kill a human, when does a baby inside a woman's body turn into a human and should not be killed because it's a incovenient drag on the parents or single mother?

    When is the Government allowed to eliminate incovenient drags on it's society? When should the Governments of the World begin to use the finite resources only for the strongest members of society who produce goods and services and further our techonology? Eugenics taught us to eliminate the weakest members, even the poor "Pauperism" was considered a candidate to be terminated and have the parents castrated.

    Who's morals should we use to decide what is right and what is wrong? I need more information because the time will come in future when we revist the same things Hitler did to the Jews. History has a tendancy to repeat the same wicked things with new players, what is right and what is wrong?

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