@noonehome: if you really want to go, just randomly pick some number between 10 and 20 each month. Try to make placements realistic unless you want to get a part on the CO. If you are good at faking stuff, this could be your ticket. If not, forget about it.
Did Anyone Apply To Go To Bethel, And Not Be Accepted?
by LoisLane looking for Superman 31 Replies latest jw experiences
From the age of nine, I was given the goal of Bethel service, so when I turned 18, and graduated from High school of course that is what I did, but I didn't get in. It was earth shattering. After the third try, and nothing, my parents told me, "Maybe it wasn't Jehovah's will for me to go." So what the hell was I going to do? I never showed much interest in school, I had no real marketable talents and I was working some shitty low paying security job while pioneering. So I did what all the bethel rejects did, and applied to MTS. At the age of 23, I was the youngest in my class. I priveledged, and I use that word sarcastically, to receive divine edumacation that was utterly useless. A year after, I was assigned to some god forsaken town, with some a-hole and his overbearing mother. I shiver at the thought of this story. Anyway, that's what I did. I would continue, but writting this is really draining on the soul.
Good for you for removing your trade skills and first aid knowledge after you were rejected! I would have done the exact same thing.
No way they should benefit from somebody's secular know-how if that person is not wanted!
Calebs Airplane
Toth said: "All the guys I ever met that had served there all beat up their wives and had big fat egos on them."
I'm floored by this comment... only because my cousin went to bethel and also beat his wife right after getting out... but I really thought this was a rare and isolated case... apparently not... so what is it about bethel that turns some bethelites violent???
(sorry for getting off topic)
I thought of going to bethel. I was in my late teens back in the earlier days of modern computing - when IBM PCs were first hitting the market. I was a very talented programmer with 4 years of high school programming classes in a high school computer science specialty program better than many colleges. I was even getting trophies in nation-wide high school programming contests.
So I'm pondering career and future. I was planning on being a JW for the rest of my life. I knew that working at bethel was considered full time service. I was afraid to ask anybody, but I had thought that maybe that meant that what I did would be a replacement for field service. Just do computer work which I loved and no door knocking? Perfect.
So I thought that maybe my talents could be of use. They'd provide room and board (kind of like living with parents) and no field service (maybe). So I picked up the form and saw you had to pioneer first and quickly scrapped that idea.
It seems really stupid that the JWs don't accept more women. Always seemed to me like the women outnumbered the men. But I guess if you get too many at bethel, then the women are leading the work and you can't have that, can you? (sarcasm).
There was a comment about Catholic nuns and it seems to me like a very successful institution. Women do generally outnumber men at religious things and to me, seem to be much more devoted. If you can channel that devotion and give them a way to participate, you can do great things. I've known so many women that wwere way more talented than their male peers.
However, the JWs are way chauvanistic to their loss.
I went to the meeting at a DC about 2 years ago.It was so strange. The Elder was so cold. At the time I really thought that it was uncomfortable. When he was reading out the requirements, he stressed at the end,"And, brothers, if you are in the habit of self abuse or masturbationg, DO NOT APPLY! DO NOT APPLY! Fix that and then apply."
Long long ago in a different life I had a day dream to go to BEthel and meet and marry a wonderful Bethelite. I was an utter failure at pioneering and only made it through 9 months before I quit....or was threatened that I should because I didn't have the prerequisite 7 Bible studies. So we had a CO staying at our house and I spoke with him about it - and I was informed that I was too pretty and would be too distracting to the Bethelites so would never be accepted. poof - my dreams up in smoke.
Good thing - I wouldn't have lasted a week there knowing what I know now....but then I was a crazy infected kid back then trying to be the image of perfection.
Congratulations to all who were rejected for Bethel servitude.
WARNING: You might be normal, or intelligent, or attractive!
Calebs Airplane
MsGrowingGirl20 wrote:
When he was reading out the requirements, he stressed at the end,"And, brothers, if you are in the habit of self abuse or masturbationg, DO NOT APPLY! DO NOT APPLY! Fix that and then apply."
Did the WT not have enough money budgeted to clean certain "bio spills" in the bethel dorms?