is there only a 50 / 50 chance that there is a ceator or
there is not?
assuming that there is one, and looking at it ALL,- it is hard to imagine that there is not,
particularly if you tried all your life to make stuff work.
would it be in her/his power to be totally undetectable to our senses, even with our refined sensors? why would it be in his interest?
if this could be so, then
he* has chosen for a reason, to be an example perhaps, to not display himself*, not to take credit, to boast, and demand obedience ( except by the dictates of natural laws) or even demand a thankful attitude.
bible stories notwithstanding.
what can we learn from this?
Even the believers in virtual particles popping into existence from vaacuum fluctuations, still do not resolve the question
Where THAT Time,Where that Energy came from.
* no gender bias intended.
Just in awe, to have all this life available to us, no strings attached.