Very unexpected, but appreciated nonetheless...
A link to this article has now gone out to 750,000 followers!
I'm well chuffed!
by cedars 13 Replies latest jw friends
Very unexpected, but appreciated nonetheless...
A link to this article has now gone out to 750,000 followers!
I'm well chuffed!
Well done Cedars!
Thanks cofty. I'm seeing 200 hits in the 30 minutes since the tweet was posted. That's the Dawkins Factor for you!
That is pretty cool!
Twit's very cool!!!!
You do love yourself Cedars.
Good fortune Cedars!
Usualusern@me.... grow up...
Great job!
Unfortunately, the exemplar Jesus Christ used abusive terms when speaking about the motives of the Pharisees.
He called them liars, off-spring of vipers, etc. and by doing so he returned evil for evil.
Wasn't it enough that he used logic to attack the practices of the Pharisees? Did he have to go for the jugular.
What's contemptible is that the Watchtower never even confronts the arguments of "apostates". Instead, it resorts to the labeling fallacy to
avoid having to defend their own irrational conclusions.
They use "theocracy" as an excuse to act in totalitarian ways.
The only reason Jesus could have had for riddiculing the religious leaders is to assure himself of martyrdom.
It is a human tendency to name-call when a discussion gets heated. But, I would give a free pass to the group that is not in power. I don't justify name calling but there is something to the idea of "speaking truth to power" as it appears Jesus was doing.
The Watchtower organization is totally in power. Their role is more like the religious leaders of Jesus' day. The Scribes and Pharisees had the power to kill opposers and would not hesitate to use it. Likewise, the Watchtower society has the power to symbolically kill "apostates" and they don't hesitate to use it. The Watchtower organization doesn't risk anything by name calling whereas "Apostates" martyr themselves when they speak out against the Watchtower. The Watchtower , by name calling show that their power isn't enough to keep people from abandoning their system. The Watchtower is afraid of losing their priveleged position just like the Scribes and Pharisees.