PAYBACK: How Judge Rutherford conceived the MILITARY neutrality policy

by Terry 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    When Rutherford published (in defiance of Russell's will) a phoney posthumus final volume of Russell's Studies in the Sciptures (The Finished Mystery) problems began which eventually resulted in criminal prosecution for Watchtower Society administrators.

    Certain passages in this book were so anti-government as to represent the Society's views as dangerous to national security. (In a time of war.)

    The blowback from this book was unexpectedly severe. Opposition from government, churches, military serving soldiers and citizens ensued.

    Chastened, Rutherford backed down on his rhetoric by excluding from future reprintings the offending passages. TOO LATE, however.

    FEARING REPRISALS...Rutherford published a feckless appeal to the bible students associates to buy WAR BONDS!

    The Stand Fast Bible Students ­Association

    The Stand Fasters get their name from their determination to “stand fast on war principles that our dear Pastor Russell announced.” Charles E. Heard of Vancouver and many others felt that Rutherford’s recommendation in 1918 to buy war bonds was cowardice and a sacrilegious perversion of the harvest work. Feeling that Christians should not support the military in any way, including the buying of Liberty Bonds or involvement in non-combatant service, the Stand Fast Bible Students Association was organized on December 1, 1918, in Portland, Oregon. It published Old Corn Gems and organized conventions throughout the United States. The Stand Fasters accepted the seventh volume and were quite successful, especially among those who did not accept what they saw as compromises over the war issue.

    This was infuriating to Rutherford and embarassing. Being whipsawed by Russell loyalists on one side and threatened with imprisonment by the government on the other side, all the Judge could do was tuck his tail and bide his time.

    Soldiers who were already serving in the military wrote conscientious letters to the Watchtower asking heart-breaking questions and seeking guidance.

    STUPIDLY, the Watchtower leaders gave illegal advice which landed them in prison as traitors to their country.

    When Rutherford and Administrators had their sentences reversed on a technicality (after serving 9 months in prison) he was smarting for some pay-back.

    Being an attorney, judge and possessing a legal mind--he set about crafting a policy that would create a high publicity campaign using Jehovah's Witnesses as martyrs in refusing to serve in the Military under ANY circumstances.

    How so?

    The false imprisonment Rutherford had suffered and the seemingly miraculous release had garnered for the Judge considerable POLITICAL CAPITAL with the brethern. He now had gravitas! He used this political capital to inflate the status of his newly crafted religion. (Little by little Rutherford was converting Russellism and Bible Students into his own brand name religious movement: Jehovah's witnesses.)

    As Nazi Germany began cracking down on suspicious religious organizations, Rutherford tried to protect his business interests in Germany by lying and misrepresenting any way he could. Here was the situation.

    The National Socialist government at first did not institute any new policy towards the Witnesses, and it is obvious that the German Watchtower officials and Rutherford himself hoped that the new ‘law and order’ government of Adolf Hitler would bring hostilities to an end. However, based on Hitler’s new emergency laws giving local authorities permissions to ban publications and stop public assembly, a number of new local restrictions came into effect. On April 24, the police confiscated the Watchtower office and printing facilities in Magdeburg, no doubt looking for evidence that the movement was dangerous. However, since the facilities were owned by an American corporation that protested through its government and the police found little to implicate the movement in any illegal activities, the property was returned on the 29th.

    The local bans were still in effect, however, and Rutherford arranged for a convention to be held in Berlin on June 25. Rutherford wrote a special “Declaration of Facts” that were to be translated into German and adopted by the participants and sent to all German officials, including the Führer himself, who also received a special letter from the Watchtower leadership.

    To present the Jehovah's Witnesses in the best possible light vis a vis the Nazi anti-Jew policies Rutherford wrote:

    The Declaration went a bit far in distancing the Jehovah’s Witnesses from the Jews:

    “The greatest and most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American empire. By this is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of America forms a part. It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American Empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold of Big Business. This fact is so manifest in America that there is a proverb concerning the city of New York which says: “the Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.””

    In his letter to Hitler Rutherford misrepresented this way:

    In the letter to Hitler, Rutherford also made a number of false and questionable claims. The movement, the letter said, had always been “very friendly” to Germany. Even more, the letter claimed that President Rutherford and the other Watchtower directors were imprisoned during World War I “because the president refused to use two magazines published by him in the United States for war propaganda against Germany.” This, naturally, was a bold-faced lie.

    Hitler wasn't taken in and continued excluding religious organizations of any kind from operating in Nazi Germany.

    Rutherford then flipped and began opposing Hitler. Most of this opposition is the ONLY part of Rutherford's commentary about and to Hitler that is ever published by the Society.

    Rutherford fairly fed the brothers to the Nazi war machine using them as propaganda points as martyrs.

    Rutherford had been persona non grata with those who had served Pastor Russell. Yet, after being released from prison as a martyr--Rutherford gained enormous political capital with the brothers who had previously opposed him.

    Rutherford decided he could cash in his political captial by creating martyrs in the name of Jehovah's Witnesses. He'd cause others to pay and the gain would redound to himself as the de facto ruler of the Watchtower Society.

    Whatever the Nazi government may have believed about the contents of the Declaration and the letter, Rutherford grossly miscalculated if he thought it would appease Hitler. Immediately, the sect is banned all over Germany. On June 28, the Magdeburg headquarters were again seized and much literature confiscated and publicly burned.

    Still, over the next year, the house-to-house work continued under restrictions. In this time, the climate caused many Witnesses to either leave the movement completely, or at least chill public activities. Rutherford, however, relentlessly insisted that German JWs held a high profile and engaged in public preaching campaigns, leading to many arrests. Rutherford printed Watchtower articles practically encouraging martyrdom. In the November 1 issue, printed a month later in German, Rutherford wrote:

    “Some will say: “If in the face of so much persecution and opposition we continue to go out amongst the people and publicly tell these truths, then I fear we may be killed.” That is true; and probably many of the faithful will be killed because they continue to faithfully proclaim the truth which they have learned in the secret place of the Most High.” (p. 328)

    Hostilities quickly followed. On April 1, 1935, the Reichstag banned the movement nationwide. Gestapo planned a lightning strike against the leadership on the night of the ‘Lord’s Supper’ (Eucharist, the only festival recognized by the JWs) April 17, but it was only a modest success. On June 24, 1936, state police and the Gestapo formed a special unit to fight the Watchtower movement. Through a number of arrests and infiltration, it succeeded in bringing the movement to a standstill in September 1937. Thereafter, reports of Witness activity is mostly limited to prisons and concentration camps, and some young JW men who refused military service and were executed. Around 2000 members suffered in the camps, 635 died and 203 were executed

    The martyrdom of the JWs during WWII should have a profound effect on the movement after the war. First, it gave the Jehovah’s Witnesses a moral boost both in their own and in the public eye. Second, it helped build the community closer as nothing does as well as outside persecution.

    Not anymore!

    Time magazine Monday, Apr. 19, 1943 throws light on this period in Watchtower history:

    A month ago, an Army court-martial at Monterey, Calif, sentenced slight, bespectacled Herbert Weatherbee, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, to prison for life. His crime: refusal to obey a superior officer who ordered him to salute the flag. Last week the American Civil Liberties Union publicized Weatherbee's story, adding it to the growing list of persecutions suffered by the anticlerical, religious group which refuses to bow before any "image" or to fight in any war save Jehovah's.
    The Witnesses take their name from the twelfth chapter of the Old Testament Book of Isaiah. Their leader, the late "Judge" Joseph Rutherford, taught that they "must be witnesses to Jehovah by declaring His name and His kingdom under Jesus Christ." They claim half a million followers in the U.S., several million abroad. In peacetime their nonconformity got them deep in trouble with local and state authorities. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1940 that their children must salute the flag in public schools, in 1942 that they could not distribute literature without peddlers' licenses. Jehovah's Witnesses regard themselves as ministers, but draft boards often refuse to exempt them from Army service. This week more than 450 of the group's men of military age are in prison for refusing to heed induction notices.

    (also see: Jan S. Haugland September 26, 2000

    Hovedoppgave / Master Thesis

    Religionsvitenskap / History of Religions

    Universitetet i Bergen / University of Bergen, Norway)

    Rutherford's ploy worked. Afterward, the "neutrality" issue would be played when needed to strengthen public perception that JW's were morally superior christians.

    In the U.S. during WWII the brothers paid dearly for Rutherford's policies. Previously brothers had been allowed to perform "alternate service" of a non-combatant nature.

    Under the previous Society policy, sewing uniforms, arms manufacturing, kitchen duty, and serving in field hospitals was allowed. It was figured that since these duties did not cause these Jehovah’s Witness members to kill someone, they were okay.

  • Phizzy

    Interesting historical information, thanks Terry.

    In my youth, here in the U.K, I remember some JW's being quite critical of JW's who had taken alternate service, working on the land for example, these JW's felt that such work was still supporting the War effort.

    Was there an official view on this ? I would imagine that Rutherford, and then Knorr, were quite cautious about offering a view on this in print ?

  • Terry

    I can only speak to my own encounter with Military Service.

    My congregation Overseer and his Assistant pulled me into the library at the Kingdom Hall.

    They confidentially explained what the proper course of action was from the Watchtower Society's viewpoint.

    I was specifically told to lie if asked whether the Society had counseled me. I was to say it was my own conscience.

    Logically this would mean the official policy of the Watchtower bible and tract society was that ITSELF was my conscience.

    Secret policy was necessary to prevent a repeat of the WT leaders imprisonent for committing treasonous activity, I suppose.

    They covered their own collective asses while exposing mine :O)

  • Finkelstein

    Your right Terry they exploited people such as yourself as designated patsies.

    Those old boys in Brooklyn didn't have to worry about being conscripted, they were far past the legal age.

  • wasblind

    When Rutherford published (in defiance of Russell's will) a phoney posthumus final volume of Russell's Studies in the Sciptures (The Finished Mystery) problems began which eventually resulted in criminal prosecution for Watchtower Society administrators.

    This was infuriating to Rutherford and embarassing. Being whipsawed by Russell loyalists on one side and threatened with imprisonment by the government on the other side, all the Judge could do was tuck his tail and bide his time.______Terry

    Terry, If you have a copy of the proclaimers book, on page 78-79

    tells of another dust up that said to concern the loyalist of Russell

    When " Birth of the Nation " appeared in the March 1, 1925 WT. It showed two

    distinct organizations that opposed each other. Jehovah and Satan

    Where Satan and his supporters were cast out of heaven

    The Proclaimers book states that

    " The Article was difficult to take hold of becuase of a previous interpretation

    by dear brother Russell, which he believed to be the final word on Revelation" ____Page 79

    This is bunk, because the WTS had a history right from the start of " adjustin' the troof "

    What the WTS teach has never been final

    The Proclaimers book also states

    " We sat down and studied it all night until I could understand it very well, " wrote Earl E. Newell who later served as a traveling representative of the Watch Tower Society_____Page 79

    What I think really happened, is it took all night for this representative to convince himself

    that this article wasn't a rip off of the Klan picture " Birth of a Nation"

    Where the Klan in this film represented the " Good " and the Blacks represented the " Bad "

    The proclaimers book continues on to state

    " We went to an assembly in Portalnd, Oregon, and there we found the friends all upset and ready to disgard the Watch Tower because of this article" Why was this explanation of revelation chapter 12 so difficult for some to accept ?______Page 79

    My guess is they seen the similarities between the WT article " Birth of the Nation " to the film " Birth of a Nation "

    The proclaimers book states

    " Indeed the earnest and sincere ones did rejoice over the new explanation. It was now clear to them: everyone belongs either to Jehovah's oraganization or to Satan's.____Page 79

    Yes, The WTS lied to cover thier own collective asses about the article " Birth of the Nation "

    But it was nothin' but a rip off of the film. And the characters were switched out and

    replace by God and Satan



  • Terry

    Nobody expects a religion to be free of curious and mysterious ideas; in fact, it is a no-brainer.

    Under the banner of truth a great many frauds are believed and taught and always have been.

    But, the Military policy of so-called "neutrality" is logically bankrupt.

    It is demonstrated with simple ease:


    When those who are victimized allow predators, looters, murderers and criminals to practice freely their crimes WITHOUT TAKING A STAND IN PREVENTING their predations.

    What allows EVIL to prosper is when good people do NOTHING.

  • Terry

    wasblind, that is a very keen observation on your part.

    In fact, we should all be very aware of those particulars you cite. The Watchtower can only ESCAPE ITS OWN LIES if we remain ignorant or remain silent.

  • wasblind

    Thank you, The WTS are liars and the proof is in their actions and in the lives they have destroyed

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I remember years ago reading somewhere that Rutherford did something to apease the government to keep himself out of trouble but didn't remember what it was. I've been looking for the info you posted here.

    I also remember that back in the Vietnam era male witnesses of draft age were told that they couldn't go in the military or even ask for alternative service yet they didn't offer any draft counciling. BTW not being able to ask for alternative service made no sense to me.

    One time during that era I was at the draft board and saw a table set up outside offering draft counciling. I think it was run by the SDS but I don't remember for sure. Anyway there was clean cut young man there who was asking for assistance. If you were clean cut back then you stood out. It turned out that he was a Jehovah's Witness I remember this because I recently began studing with them so I was observing him. I remember wondering why he was asking them for help rather then his church. Now I know why. The Watchtower didn't offer any counciling for something as life changing as refusing military service. They didn't mind throwing young men under the bus as long as it didn't effect them.

  • Terry

    The year I registered was 1965. I had just graduated from High School.

    It took 2 years before I was arrested, tried and convicted. The sentence was under the Youth Corrections Act because I wasn't an adult yet.

    The maximum was 5 years if you were adult and 6 years if you were under 21.

    The brothers at the hall made it pretty clear the idea was to be a spectacle before others. Certain manuevers were frowned on to lessen your

    liklihood of prison because the idea was to NOT be seen as DODGING.

    When various persons would subsequently say to me, "Oh, you were a DRAFT DOGER..." I would quickly correct them and reply:

    "I didn't DODGE anything. I registered. I took my Armed Forces Physical and I accepted my prison sentence. The real dodgers went to Canada or

    refused to register or burned their draft card."

    Incidentally, the day I was sentenced my hair was sort of long-ish. When I was counseled to get it cut short at the Kingdom Hall I would deflect

    by saying, "Oh, you mean a Military haircut?" heh heh hehe.

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