Why do most on JWN not share Ray Franz' views on GB equals SANHEDRIN?

by Fernando 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fernando

    I was not surprised when I read this in CoC, last week, as I had come to this view a number of years ago.

    What seems surprising is that whilst many have read CoC, few if any share this view.

    Are there any ideas why this might be?

  • cantleave

    I don't share a many of Ray's views. I admire him for his courage to follow his conscience and the way he so eloquently told his story, but the beliefs he held onto tell me he never entirely left the mindset.

  • Sapphy

    It seems there are several views on the organisation:

    1. It's God's Organisation,
    2. It's God's Organisation but has apostatised
    3. It's nothing to do with God

    Ray seems to have ended up believing that Christians don't need an organisation to worship God. But he held to some witness beliefs quite strongly.

    ISOCF is a good book for people who want to keep the witness religion but not stay in the organisation.

    Basically Ray Franz left the organisation not the religion.

    I think most waking up now, leave both.

  • Oubliette

    What are you talking about? It's obvious: the GB makes the Pharisees of the Bible look like amateurs!

    Modern day JWs take legalism to a new level.

  • ldrnomo

    Fernando said:What seems surprising is that whilst many have read CoC, few if any share this view.

    Do you have any statistical data for this statement?

  • Londo111

    I agree with Oubliette: GB = SANHEDRIN ^ 2

  • Watkins

    1. It's God's Organisation,
    2. It's God's Organisation but has apostatised
    3. It's nothing to do with God

    I'll take a #3, please.

    Don't most organised religious heirarchies resemble the Sanhedrin?

    I'll take some more # 3's for them, too.


    I think it is a natural step to think that the Org is still God's, just wayward. After all, most of us were told our whole lives that the ORG was THE channel. Even thinking that is a huge step.

    As for your original question, I don't know ratio of who believes the GB=Sanhedrin to those who do not. I would think that most on JWN agree that the GB is very pharisaic. People in general had more freedom in Jerusalem than JW's IMO. Pay your taxes, mind your own business and you were good. I don't think the Sanhedrin sent out Elders to peoples homes to make sure they were making it to the temple.

  • Londo111

    I should clarify to say, there are many Sanhedrins...the GB is just one of them.

  • Crazyguy

    Yeah I have to agree, theres a lot of people out there that disagree with the ORG and some of the things they teach but still seem to think its still Gods appointed religion. I for one do not and like paul said they could care less they just want the good news about christ spread by any one.

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