I'm not far away from sending out a bunch of letters to all the JW's who I knew when I was one. The letters are the accumulation of the last few months of research etc. I've put a lot of effort into wording things just right so that that the JW's don't instantly throw it in the trash. I've spent countless hours into these, not to mention heartache and stress going over all the details again that make me sad and angry.
Plus I need to print all these out and post them out to all the people which will cost about $150 in total. Plus I have no contact with anyone from this congregation so I have to get creative with tracking down the addresses of people who have moved etc. I will be sending letters out to everyone in the congregation at the same time, so hope that there could be a mass exit.
It's alot of effort, time and money and stress I'm putting in to help these JW's to wake up, and there is a pretty strong chance that they will just throw it in the trash or possibly even be aggresive towards me. That's not to mention I'm including my number and making myself available for anyone who wants to talk about things.
I'm still going to do it but I have had thoughts that maybe everyone has had (or not). I sometimes think about these people who have treated me roughly and shunned me for 9 years (though I'm not even disfellowshipped). As soon as it was clear my life no longer factored into their lives I was dropped like a sack of shit by 100+ people who knew me for ages.
I know they are brainwashed, but some of them I think are assholes regardless. Alot also wouldn't even be in such dire straights if they ever woke up because they had a foot in both camps anyway - meaning they had their cake and ate it too - they bought houses and cars and put in token efforts as JW's- just enough to stay out of trouble. If they ever left they wouldn't have to start over as much as people like me.
I didn't have anyone help me out of the cult, but I obviously was helped by the collective efforts of apostates all around the world once I woke up. But it's been a long hard struggle regardless and those (assholes) have treated me like a peice of shit when I needed help the most.
Like I said, I'm still going to help them if I can - but I sometimes feel a bit bitter and think that alot of the people I knew (not all) almost deserve to stay in the JW fantasy land (I'm just being honest here). Probably a pretty horrible thing to say.
I don't know why I'm saying this, just venting I guess. I feel like I'm the one who's suffered so much and struggled my way alone for so many years with no one to support me through it all (I never shunned anyone when I was a JW) and these guys get a free mass intervention handed to them on a platter by me - all they have to do is read it.
Ugh. Sorry about the angsty post - I need to go to bed.