I am a Kultologist undertaking a new study...

by Tallyman 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    I am a Kultologist (the study of Kults) and conducting a study...

    ...and the grouping of people here affords a wonderful opportunity
    to explore an area of research I've recently undertaken-
    and that is the (growing) phenomenon of x-jWs who have ostensibly "left"
    the Watchtower Kult, but continue to present with remarkable symptoms
    of Kult Thinking and the Application of former Kult Indoctrination.

    Here, we started our research in this thread with one individual
    particulary infected and manifesting the pathological symptoms of Kult.

    * http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25431&site=3

    But we lost our "funding" and "access to this person who was in the process
    of exhibiting the advanced stages of this condition"... due to the doors
    of our "research lab" being pad-locked shut.

    So, we shall try again and start all over.

    Please allow our research to continue.

    Most of here have known about the looong Hatred of any Religion/Faith
    by jehovah Witnesses.
    You could say, that the Watchtower is about the Most religiously Intolerant
    organization on the face of the Earth, bar none.

    The jehovah Kultists want the Watchtowergod to Wipe-Out All Religions...
    and display their sick fantasies in their print propaganda as to how
    they imagine this will take place, and the bonafide, active Kultists
    seem to fairly revel in this pictorial disposal of all their "enemies".

    They call this Kult symptom "Love", when most people would call it "Hate".
    (a Most Interesting Dichotomy of the accepted understanding of both words)

    The Watchtower Kultists say it is an act of "Love" for their god
    to remove all the "mentally-diseased" non-Kultists from the face of the earth,
    so that it will be "clean" and "pure" and "whole" again...

    These are a couple of the most remarkable symptoms with which
    the typical Kultists presents, and most of us with experience
    inside the Kult know there are, sadly, many more.

    But the phenomenon, which seems to be occurring here in this forum
    in ever increasing manifestations, are former Watchtower Kultists
    who continue to exhibit and apply the same negative Kult traits
    they lived by and practiced when they were members of the Watchtower Kult.

    Many, or more than a few of the ex-jWs here in this forum
    wind up showing the same Intolerance of others as did their former Kult.

    They display Violent and Destructive "Art" which is strikingly similar
    to the Watchtower's very own Grotesque Illustrations.

    We have collected a few Specimens here, for study and close examination:

    * http://www.intrex.net/tallyman/WT_Evil.html

    In their writings on this board, they, the X-Kult-Kultists use text
    descriptions of the very same type of intolerance toward people of faith
    as does the Watchtowerkult.

    It is as if, they remain infected with the Kult contagion, and have not
    purged the systemic poison from their minds and hearts, yet.

    These former kultists seem to celebrate the deaths of "opposers"
    to their way of thinking. They describe and display in graphic form
    the violent destruction of religious statuary and icons such as crucifixes,
    and even portray, as does the Watchtower "art" progaganda, the scary
    Giant Hand coming down from the sky to smash those in opposition to their
    "new" way of thinking.

    We've been working with Watchtower "Art" lately, and the "art" displayed
    in a "gallery" of sorts, has striking similarites with WT Kult Imagery.

    The phenomenon seems to show that once some Kultists "leave" the Kult,
    the Kult Indoctrination does not leave them, and they "recycle" it
    to fit their "new" worldview... and lack of a belief system.

    As does the WT Kult, they horribly disparage those who still cling
    to faith in God or a Higher Power, which is not in agreement with whatever
    thinking they manifest and a hold to be the ONLY "rational" way to think.

    Some affected by this new phenomenon have gone so far to suggest,
    nay exclaim, that ANY who express faith in God, are mentally diseased.

    Many times they have you posted here that Religionists, or People of Faith
    are "Mentally Ill" ...and especially that Christians are "mentally diseased".

    Same MO the Watchtower has long used, to cast all earthlings who believe
    in any G/god/desses Other Than their "jehovah-Of-The-Watchtower"
    as "Mentally Diseased", and therefore only "Vessels Fit for Destruction".

    The teachings of The Kult, although somewhat tweaked and modified
    seem to live on in these ones affected/infected by this phenomenon.

    This cause us to question, in our Research, what these X-Kult-Kultists
    would have us to believe is the "cure" for this "mental illness"...
    or IS there even a cure?

    The Watchtowerkult "cure" is Extermination.


    Please, those of you so inclined and would like to participate in this
    study, please offer us your opinion of what accounts for this pitiable
    manifestation of negative Kult conditioning on the part of those
    who have claimed and are claiming to be "free" of Kult.

    We have even seen here, a related phenomenon, though thankfully small as yet,
    a form of "recycling" of Watchtower Kult training which is used to form
    Secular Kults.

    Your observations would be greatly appreciated as to what accounts
    for this mysterious malady and inexplicable pathological behavior.

    Please post your observations here for further study by the group,
    so that a kind of brainstorming can begin.

    Thank you Very Much.

    "Dr." Tallyman

  • sf

    "...the (growing) phenomenon of x-jWs who have ostensibly "left"
    the Watchtower Kult, but continue to present with remarkable symptoms
    of Kult Thinking and the Application of former Kult Indoctrination."

    Well, it's about time you all started Focusing on this.

    Thank you Doctor and carry on.....

    sKally, the past is the past, yet It's always present Tom, thats why, klass

  • Tallyman
    Well, it's about time you all started Focusing on this.

    Thank you Doctor and carry on.....

    Well, thank you for your participation sKally, in our research...
    but sad to say, "tomorrow may be cancelled, since it seems no one is showing up"...

    Is this forum getting "fluffier and fluffier" or is it just my imagination?

    I guess if I'd started an informal poll on
    "What's your favorite Color"?
    "What's your favorite Stench (perfume)?"
    "What's your favorite flavor Lollipop?"
    I would've been flooded with respondents.

    But if one starts a SERIOUS study and asks for observations concerning
    a startling and growing phenomenon of x-Dubs here on this forum, manifesting the SELF-SAME Kult Traits they CLAIM to have renounced-
    one is left 'holding the bag' whilst listening to 'the sounds of silence'.

    This is a bewildering development.

    To the x-Dub - we will call him "Patient Zero" - who was manifesting
    the most horrible and advanced stages of this affliction of Kultitis-
    the one who celebrates the death of those who disagree with his views
    by Dancing on their Graves... JUST LIKE the jehovah's Witnesses - - -
    [hey gd, got yer ears on?]
    we would like to at least know what the Utterly Horrible & Despicable
    Piece of Kultic Performance "Art" was, (text description only, please)
    that you posted at the end of this thread:

    * http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=25431&site=3

    ...which caused the forum owner's wife to PADLOCK the thread??
    ...and to CENSOR your work of "Art"???

    It must have been SO Watchtowerish and SOoo Terrible, to have caused
    such an Immediate Shut-Down and the Implementation of (dare I say the word?)


    ! . . . : : : g a s p ! : : :

    So, to the Macabre & Jiggy Dancer - what WAS it?

    If we knew, it could prove useful in our study.

    Thank you for your kult kooperation.

    "Doctor" Tallyman

  • sf

    Doc...you know as well as I that Silence Speaks VOLUMES!!!!

    Everything IS apparent, and even transparent.

    Love, active patient klass

  • SixofNine

    Perhaps GraveDancer was just displaying Khristlike hyperbole?

    A bit like the man who said "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest". Of course, in his day, preist and kings were pretty much just different levels of the same thing.

    Not anymore. Much as I hate to admit it, we may actually need politicians in a democracy.

  • Tallyman

    6 o'9

    Perhaps GraveDancer was just displaying Khristlike hyperbole?


    why would "khristlike hyperbole" be Censored?

    Do YOU know what was there, which was censored away?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "...come up to the lab...

    and SEE what's on the slab..."

  • gravedancer

    Tally (AKA Mendler)

    FYI, my moniker has nothing to do with religion but has to do with a more powerful human subject: MONEY. Figure it out if you think you are so smart!! But thanks for the ideas...

    There are some other important things to "figger" out too:

    didn't you leave with your tail between your legs loser?

    Wasn't it because you are a hate filled homophobic?

    Time for me to start my study on homophobic Xians (Christians)...why they continue to hate others...

  • gravedancer

    I strongly suggest Simon lock this thread too...before you really get me started on picking on your maggot infested carcass.

  • joelbear

    the same Intolerance of others

    Tally, are you saying tolerance is a good thing?


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