Our Blondie Has A Torn Memiscus.
by LoisLane looking for Superman 54 Replies latest jw friends
Stay off of it as much as possible. A laproscopic surgery will likely be ordered if you've got serious damage. I sure hope you are able to get the medical treatment you need, Blondie. Sorry you are going through this, been there... it is NO fun. :(
LoisLane looking for Superman
Open Mind...That is funny. If you are taking Vicodin...
On the TV show "House" isn't that what he supposedly takes all the time? Dr Gregory House is a Diagnostic Physician, so fictionally, if he has to take pills with
one hand and use the other hand to stuff his mouth full of prunes and water, he would think, ah, good thing he has Dr. Cuddie's private bathroom to deposit and
perfume the air with the results of his pain reliever. His character would do it too. lol
Just Lois
I hope you get better soon. The thing that helps me with pain is acupuncture, maybe you could try that?
No suggestions or advice to share, but hope you feel better soon Blondie !
BTW, it's Meniscus (with an n), not memiscus
LoisLane looking for Superman
Thank you Lisa for bringing it to my attention.
Blondie wrote it correctly. I transcribed it wrong.
Just Lois
So sorry about Blondie's knee. Hope you will be good as new soon as and the pain doesn't prevent her from posting her comments.
Sorry about your injury, Blondie. Hope you experience a speedy recovery.
Brother of the Hawk
I just had that surgery a year ago. My opinion only. Stay away from the steroids!!!! They actually do more harm than good. My other knee also has a tear, and the DR. wanted to do steroids therapy, I researched the steroid, Thank you but NO!! I will live with the pain. If you wish you can Pm me or my wife, we'll explain what will happen. Hell, we can even show you pictures of the before and after. Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever)