Post 6: My brother turns on me now - Possible Legal advice

by sosoconfused 40 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Just my suggestion... If he files for unemployment, inform the bureau that he quit and has chosen to rely on God (or the government) rather than gainful employment. I'm rather surprised that he would put something like this in writing. Keep it as evidence. And keep your paperwork in order for any other JW employees that quit.

    Are you in a business where he will try to bad-mouth you in order to steal clients?

  • sosoconfused

    Billy its funny. He tried to steal our business name 2 years ago. We have a successful business in one state and he opened one doing the samething across the country... We found out that he was soliciting work in the same field with the same name...

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Hmmm, and any ideas what he will do for work now? He isn't going to try to use you for a job reference is he?

  • Gojira_101

    If you live in the USA there is always pre-paid legal. They can help you with this kind of stuff, it is a membership but it's been a life saver for my husband and I so far and my parents.

  • sosoconfused

    if I am a reference I will tell them I am the mentally diseased apostate he worked for lol

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi sosoconfused, Considering that your brother is a CoBE, etc. you may want to see an attorney about drafting a letter to his superior warning his superior about potential slander and libel issues like Roberta804 did in her thread Important to put in your letter of DA.

    I'm not suggesting that you write a DA letter. I'm suggesting that considering your brother's position in the Watchtower he may be putting the WTBTS at risk with his exuberance to be a good JW, especially considering how the WTBTS tries to fire up JWs about Apostates.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • awaken2004

    Im so tired of these people, family or not, thinking they can just say whatever the hell they want to us. Why can't they just respect our decisions and keep their mouths shut! Sorry, my mom really hurt me today, unitentionally but it still hurt.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Sounds like a douch to me. I can totally understand JW victimes going such lengths due to brainwashing/devotion. But from what you said about stealing your business and his attitude of self improtance = douch bag

    I have a gage I measure my JW family with. The ones who are really brainwashed who THINK they are doing the right thing, and the others who are selfish jerks....

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    " What I would like to know from someone who knows the law, is it possible I can sue him if he pressures people to not work with me because of my religious beliefs???? We employee a fairly large number of witnesses from times past. Yes I would sue him. LOL"

    Do you have an industrial relations body run by the government or a fair work ombudsman? Look up what employment discrimination laws are legislated for where you live. If you live in the USA, there probably are no laws to protect you at work.

  • villagegirl
    clean conscience

    judge you as an apostate and will not, unless by word or deed you make it known that it is so.

    profit materially from one another, if we are unable do the same spiritually.

    If in time, circumstance are such that its necessary to do that, I will.

    We found out that he was soliciting work in the same field with the same name...

    (1) Clean conscience - what is this supposed to mean in this context?

    It implies one of you is "dirty" ? and that would not be him.

    (2) When he solicitated work under your Reputation and Brand name,

    and Good Will, that was your Intellectual Property, was he having this "clean conscience" ?

    (3) His reasoning is : to profit materially we must agree "spiritually" or religiously ?

    And how does this work across the board for Jehovah's Witnesses in all forms of work ?

    (4) Is there a contractual agreement of any kind between you and your brother ?

    Something in writing to define his status as employee ? Not a partner or owner ?

    Religion aside, you have legal rights, go see a lawyer who specailizes in business law,

    or at least get some books on business law in your State.

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