Thanks everyone. We'll let you know what happens next. Since I can't reveal here what we're doing next in case one of the goons are watching we will give you the info another time.
And yes everything has been monitored for our safety. They have us up for malicous gossip from along time ago but has just surfaced now and apostacy. They said since we don't want to go to the meetings as well as out in service than they will consider us dissassociated and we said no we're not going down as that. They said we had better show up for our meeting but then didn't tell us the rest that if we don't we'll be df'd in absentia. All three of these goon still live with or off their parents with not a carefreee in the world. Just out to destroy lives. What do you expect with no education still sucking off the teat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think of wolves and how they run in packs and this is no different. He said the co told the elders to talk to us but that co does not know we had no shepherding calls at all after we left. I can bet my life on it. So they go ahead with a jc. This confirms what they have thought of us all along and they call themselves christians. Breaks my heart.
Please, please if you have anymore help to give we would appreciate it. Take care