Sorry... I meant Warwick... My bad
Where has the money gone??????
by joe134cd 27 Replies latest jw friends
Non-profit is just a word. It really doesn't change anything. You just use different words to descibe the same thing. I own a Non-profit, and I make PLENTY of profit. The NFL is also a non-profit. Just words. Doesn't change a thing. Like saying "DONATION" instead of "CHARGE". Im not gonna charge you $50 for this shirt, but you can have this shirt for a $50 donation. Changes the whole transaction. You can't pay a prostitute for sex, but you can make a donation for time spent. Its all about words, structure and language, thats all,
Im not driving a car officer, Im traveling in my vessel to my destination
gingerbread you seem to be making the assumption that poor people donate less to their church than rich people.
Good point SBF.
One of the oft-expresed criticisms of the tithing churches (especially the Mormon church) is that even lower income members, including the unemployed, are required - er, sorry, encouraged - to set aside at least 10% (the tithe) of the take-home salary or government assistance before they meet all their other financial expenses (kind of like offering the Heavenly Father the "first fruits").
It's common knowledge that churches in general rake in proportionally more from their low-income than higher income members. Little wonder the watchtower wets its pants in excitement about the growth of JWs in poorer countries!
So when people on this forum assume that the lower-salaried, financially constrained JWs would give less to the Watchtower I'd wonder what they base that assumption on? More than anecdotal evidence I'd hope.
I'm not saying it is or is not true, but in the absence of evidence it's pure conjecture.
You could even argue that ther Watchtower is a cut-above the churches that blatantly tithe members. In some Mormon wards that I know of, members are praised for having their tithed amounts paid directly into the church's bank accounts by "direct credit" (i.e., the amount is automatically deducted from salaries at the point of employment and continues to be paid in payday after payday in perpetuity). A bit like tax deductions - or insurance for the afterlife.
Fact is, religions of all shades and hues are pretty exercised around the issue of ongoing streams of money. Those that tithe are by far the worst offenders in my estimation, whereas those that periodically hint/ask from the platform and the printed word, are awarded less damining points because at least they don't craftily assign a percentage-take-expectation to your salary.
I did a comparison of towns like ours (to see if our town is carrying an overlarge debt load), and found that the town of Raymond, "ranks among the top five communities in Canada for the highest level of charitable donations per capita, which is partially due to the town population's high rate of tithes given to the LDS Church." (Wikipedia). Raymond also has the lowest median income (about 20,000/yr) of all the comparable towns I looked at.
Welcome Joe134:
The Society is very smart when it comes to money. I think they have thousands of corporations so they probably spread out the money to these areas. In the countries where their getting sued they are probably crying poor mouth to their attorneys that they don't have any money. What big fat liars they are. So this is probably where it's going to.
Steve= with regards the the Mormon church. What you haven't acknowledged is if a member falls on hard times the church dose help them out. I heard at work the other day of an LDS member who lost is job and the church stepped in and helped him out. I do know they also contribute to community projects as well. Hey u don't mind giving if its to a good cause. Sure the watchtower askes for donation but the only thing they give back is a DFing if u step out of line. hehe. Btw Steve I left you a P.M.
What you haven't acknowledged is if a member falls on hard times the church dose help them out. I heard at work the other day of an LDS member who lost is job and the church stepped in and helped him out. I do know they also contribute to community projects as well. Hey u don't mind giving if its to a good cause.
Valid points joe. I guess my point is there is bound to be hardship for families who are being tithed. Imagine if you're on a reduced income and raising your kids and the church is expecting you to reliably and weekly give a tenth of your income. Sure, it's nice to know they'll support you if you hit hard times. But the stories I hear is that those times have to be really hard before you'll receive.
I take your point too about the LDS church donating to community projects - which is more than the self-serving Watchtower Society ever does.
It was actually some Mormon missionaries who told me that they make annonomous contributions to community projects (e.g schooling facilities). I have heard of 2 examples (1 is listed above) where the LDS church helped members who fell on hard times. And one of the people who told me about this was a landlord of the church member who couldn't pay the rent. Which sort of gives it more credibility. But I do agree that they would be taking in way more than they give out.
mind blown
Offshore accounts. UK investment companies. Warwick. Investing in Africa (true). Candice Conti.
Though they lose/lost money due to circumstances Blondie mentioned, their corporate minions are coming up with new ways to make more money I'm sure......
WTS also gets grant money from various city and state funds. Plus, didn't they get a large amount of money for hosting their convention in a city? I'm sure that happens often. And what about the ponzi scheme forcing Congregations to borrow money for upgrades and hand over KH deeds. Though donations are lower, those dollars and cents still add, they're streamlining litrature, etc., which will be saving them a lot of money.....
While it may be true that typical church members give a lot to their church, Jehovah's Witnesses are not typical.They give a lot of their time and effort and sacrifice of goals and education. I know that I personally gave a lot but not as much as tithing 10 percent would be would bring them. I gAve time. How many people were just like me?