Apostate: From 279 Facebook friends to 81 overnight... thanks MOM!

by sosoconfused 72 Replies latest jw experiences

  • punkofnice

    It's a blessing in disguise.

    As cantleave said :

    No loss. Conditional friends can be replaced by those that really do care.

    These are my sentiments exactly.

  • goodsoul

    soso, my congratulations! you very quickly are cleaning your life from useless people..the same thing happened to me.. you will have new ones- who will value you as a person, not as cult co-member.
    this journey is very interesting and will teach you much more valuable things and skills, than WTS membership.

  • Thoughtless

    This is why I have worldly friends still. I have had worldly ACQUAINTANCES turn their car around, get in the other lane, and pick me up in the rain, while other brothers and sisters would give me a smile. Uggh, sorry for you brah.

  • maninthemiddle

    So sad what people are capable of based on second hand iformation. My sadness for you yet, while it may be hard to see righ now, I do personally fel it is a step in the right direction. People who act like that are not really friends.

  • sosoconfused

    Here are my favorites:

    From a longtime family friend: My dear brother,

    I have heard news that you have decided to turn your back on the one true organization because you were not recognize for your own abilities. This reminds me of Korah. Do you know what happened to him? Do you wish this to be your outcome? Surely you love your children and what about <wifes name>?

    Your selfish course will cost them their lives if you continue to allow your pride to cause you to deviate from the faithful slave. <blah blah blah>

    You must ultimately ask yourself what is more important, the stroking of ones own ego, or the life of your family?


    When I read this email I recieved from <someone who hasn't offically spoken to me in 3 years> my knees came weak! Tell me this isn't true. I will wait call from you. Until then I can no longer speak to you.



    Your brother told me you are against Jehovah now??? I am done with you.


    I would go through more but it just seems useless

  • Oubliette

    Soso, I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

    I have two questions:

    1. I thought JWs weren't supposed to use social media like Facebook. I know it was strongly discouraged when I was still in (that's a few years ago). And we all know that "strongly discouraged " is code for "Don't do it!"
    2. On your other thread you quoted your brother as saying he wouldn't tell anyone about you. Or did I misunderstand?
  • franticfran

    Dreadful people,everyone here is right,you dont need toxic people like that around you,it will sap your energy, their becoming worse and worse, I thought (whoops) that our thoughts and musings were just that... OURS! This organisation is so bad for people,get them out of your head and then out of your life.

  • baltar447

    Do yourself a favor and delete EVERY JW on your "friends" list. Block them your life will be better. Lock your facebook privacy settings down.

  • Splash

    So much for "at the mouth of two witnesses".

    Seems any rumour is enough to pass judgement.
    It's almost like they are eagerly waiting for any bad news.


  • DesirousOfChange

    I have heard news that you have decided to turn your back on the one true organization because you were not recognize for your own abilities. This reminds me of Korah. Do you know what happened to him? Do you wish this to be your outcome? Surely you love your children and what about <wifes name>?

    Tell me this isn't true. I will wait call from you. Until then I can no longer speak to you.

    Your brother told me you are against Jehovah now??? I am done with you.

    DENY DENY DENY Especially since you are going thru the tribunal with the Elders now too.

    "I have most certainly NOT turned by back on Jehovah. It's certainly is a shame that you pick & choose what you want to accept and reject from the F&DS. Gossip and slander are things that Jehovah hates too. (Prov 6:16-19) My brother has his panties in a twist over things at work and I never imagined he would be so vengeful and distort things so!"

    It is not lying, since they do not deserve to know the truth. (See Reasoning book.)


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