Thank you. We each have losses, of course, and we adjust and move forward. I just don't want to make the mistake of failing to hold
accountability up to a reckoning. Having the freedom here on JW-net to share these things can be a catharsis and a quickening.
Retrovirus asks:
Yet your OP suggests that we are all - alcoholics, culties, ets, - responsible for the harm we do. So was your wife responsible, or the WT? Or both?
I would divide responsibility. It is one thing to be indoctrinated by your parents as a born-in (which my wife was) and it is another thing
to be the originator of the contagion as the Society is.
The GB makes it obligatory to go out and convince as many people as possible of foolish and self-destructive disinformation. The leaders receive a constant input from critics, members and ex-members enough to be entirely aware IT IS HORSE SHIT they publish.
They wittingly wound their own in their hubris.
People such as my deceased wife had no Plan B for life. She was entirely in thrall to the "Truth" which let her down miserably and left her without
a means of switching loyalties so strong was her indoctrination. The Watchtoweer religion had destroyed the rest of the world in her mind.
Her fallback "strategy" was drinking to kill the pain.
Yes, she is responsible for drinking and driving. But, the pain that drove her came out of magazines published by instigators who promote themselves
as spokesmen for the Almighty.