A Great Party Last Night.

by Thoughtless 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Thoughtless

    So anyway,

    Last night I went to a party with a (worldly) gal yesterday, twas great, but I feel like we are losing intimacy. I haven't told her about my religion because I am afraid she may judge me or something. I have a very complicated past and such, and the Borg complicates it further. I friendzoned myself from her so I can still stay active in the congregation and maintain the facade until I fade and leave (EST: 2015). I have thrown away a lot of relationships, either platonic or romantic, due to this religion. I am not interested into anyone within the congregation because they are sheeple, but I am still participating in the Theocratic circlejerk. Uggh. I plan just to tell her everything and flee, leave it be.


    It was drinking at the party and such, well, they were all of age. But anyway, as JW's like to claim to be the most honest people on Earth and how you could not see such honesty at a worldly party, it was a 20 dollar bill left on the kitchen table when we all decided to buy pizza (we all had enough money to buy the pizza, yet noone claimed or stole the twenty dollars). It never left despite the 20 plus people that were there and it furthers my hope in humanity. I never seen worldly people or even DF'd people as bad, I just feel like they found their own path or got lost on it. I wish that the religion could change the view of both (especially the DF'd ones. I do not agree with the harshness of it, AT ALL.)

  • BackseatDevil

    I wrote extensively on this subject (so i won't bore you with it here), but for me personally, seeing nice and honest people that were nice and honest naturally was bizaare to me. They didn't have Jehovah or the elders... what reason do they have to be nice?? It made no sense.

    And then I was hanging out with a bunch escorts (female) and I noticed something. It was a community thinking, a group concern, but not in the same rigidness JWs have. So, applying that outside of the "escorting" situation you see the same pattern in firemen or policemen... we see it with people who work with the Red Cross, etc. Some people are just humanitarians, global thinkers - helpers in the world. The wicked world isn't FILLED with selfish, godless, dishonest heathens. They are there, but percentage wise per capita the ratio is pretty much the same whether you're talking about Jehovah's Witnesses, fireman, or whores.

  • Thoughtless


    I have a lot of worldy friends and not a lot of JW friends. The ratio is like 25:1 to Witness friends. I don't know. I had to cut off two people who were really nice to me, supported me when my JW family didn't, just because they weren't JW's though. It was the worst mistake of my life.

  • Mum

    I'm so glad you had the courage to go to a party and enjoy yourself - and learn something of value!

  • Vidiot
    Thoughtless - "I had to cut off two people who were really nice to me, supported me when my JW family didn't, just because they weren't JW's..."

    I'm thinking maybe you should try and get in touch with these folks and, I dunno, apologize?

  • Thoughtless

    They know the religion I am in is a cult. They want me out. I don't know if I ever have the strength for that to happen. I have basically left our good times in the past, and appreciated what they have done for me. I don't think we will ever be the same again.

  • WTWizard

    And, despite what the witlesses say, these parties don't usually feature problems. People don't go around selling drugs, shooting each other because they lose dice games, and holding up stores. If you believe the witlesses, every party would turn into crap like that--usually, however, it is just having pizza and pop. Occasionally, there will be beer--and I have actually heard of people bringing a reasonable amount of beer to parties and having pop available at such parties.

    Also, worldly people aren't going to be stealing at every chance. The ones that do are not the rule--and I have heard of witlesses swindling other witlesses in business deals (and then getting blamed by the hounders). The true Satanists don't go around stealing either--rather, Satan is about empowering oneself so one doesn't have to steal. It is the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions that disempower people so they find it more appealing to steal--and they themselves steal. Look at the leaders of the Christian churches that forced people into their religion, swindling them out of most of their wealth, under threat of getting tortured. They also stole people out of Africa to sell as slaves. To this day, they use death or hell threats to swindle people out of their money. This goes on within the higher levels of the washtowel--and they create the poverty that tempts people to steal. I never saw those conditions within Satanism--at least not the Satanism that worships Satan instead of just worshiping evil.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Telling your nonJW friends about how you're stuck in a crazy religion is an opportunity to count your time "witnessing"

    Meanwhile, your friends will think you're THE MAN for going to college despite the JWs discouragement.

  • thinking_not_believing

    Its a funny thing isn't it... I been out for like 10 years and to this day i have trouble saying the words "jehovah's witness." I avoid the subject all the time and i get weirded out when people say it. I have no clue why. On my way out i dated a "worldly" girl and i was going crazy thinking about the JW shit. I was all nervous one day when i told her that i grew up in this cult and that it had shaped a lot of my thinking and i was just barely breaking free. She didn't judge me or anything like i thought she would. She just said ok, well thats good your getting out. LOL. Not any big deal at all like i had played it out in my mind beforehand. Good luck man.

  • Thoughtless

    A lot of people respect me going to college and just getting it done IN HALF THE TIME. The two people that I cut off (after a trip to crisis due to my depression due to familal pressures and the religion), really really respected that I decided to go to college.

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