My JW friend once asked that if churches were so great why did so many Roman Catholics convert to his religion. Now I have some semblance of an answer!
I spoke with a professor who definitely had some familiarity with the WTS. I learned later that one student he keeps in touch with is an ex-jw whose wife is still a jw.
There were two things in our conversation that I wanted to share ....
1. He spoke of a disproportionate number of cult leaders being once affiliated with the Presbyterian church and noted that CTR was raised in a Presbyterian household and Joseph Smith's (Mormons) family were inactive but registered members of a Presbyterian congregation. He apologized on behalf of the Presbyterian Church. *sigh*
2. Generally, Roman Catholics gravitate towards JWism and Baptists gravitate towards Mormonism. He attributed one dynamic to the Baptist's being taught to respect the "experience" of faith and the other dynamic to the Roman Catholic's being taught to respect doctrines of faith. I thought this was interesting.
Is this common knowledge?