fthe generatioñ that doesn't pass away refers to the Great crowd . The elect are all murdered by world leaders as martyrs . Armageddon is the spiritual war that the elect have to endure to prove worthiness. IMO
Unintended fallout from July 15 WT on "Anointed & Generation"?
by prologos 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
So if the GB would hurry up and die, this whole armageddon thing would finally happen?
I recall a D.O. mocking the Trinity teaching with a comment like this: "The Truth is simple. It doesn't need complicated mental acrobatics to understand like the Trinity docterine."
I think most JW's heads would spin if they had to actually explain The Generation and Who the F&DS vs the GB are.
Unconfused...that is so true..The fact is that these kinds of doctrinal things are just shrugged off by the dubs that I know (family are all I can talk to) .
The older ones have got their faith already, they seem to take no notice of the changes, the new current GB are viewed as newcomers not like when Knorr & Franz were running the show. So they carry on, believing what they have always believed and let the rest get on with it
I have thought since the 70's that they were just making it up as they go. If they can't explain a failed prophecy, then it is either symbolic or spiritual or invisible. God's Kingdom started ruling in the heavens invisibly in , was in 1919? Lost count of so many stupid explanations. If I had been alive when they decided God's kingdom was invisible , I would have left then. Really, invisible?
yes, BB, many jws do not believe some of the newer teachings and just keep quiet about it. They feel it will all come out in the wash. ( God will set it straight in the end)
They explain the generation: "They will not die off before the start of the great tribulation."
They explain the rapture: "They will be in heaven before the end of the great tribulation."
So I don't see any contradiction.
We ana: Do you not see contradiction of this new wt with the words "--pass away [die off] unti ALL these things occur." Jesus in Math. 24:34.?
Verse 21: "---Tribulation SUCH HAS has not occured until now, no, nor will occur AGAIN." therefore by that definition,
the Great Tribulation must include
the mother of all the battles , the place Armageddon. the Waterloo, the Stalingrad of this world.
We may estimate that 75% of all casualties, babies, mothers, seniors will be killed at Armageddon. ( the rest died earlier with Babylon the Great)#
The glaring contradiction of the "Fresh Light" Wt teaching is, that the "-This Generation -" as defined in the "overlapping anointed" model,
is DEAD before the Show really gets serious.
They die, presumably violently in the preliminaries, the Hors d' oeuvre, BEFORE the main course, the Big Meal for the "birds of heaven"
Why does it matter?
If you can not keep your fantasies from CONTRADICTING the Logos, the words of the Christ*, where is your credibility?
"A house not build on the sayings of mine [as above] will not stand.' or reality, will not stand.
WT BtS future predicted.
*if the whole story, from the talking snake on, is to be the basis for discussion.
#including the anointed GB's rapture/demise.