Woo Hoo! I love it even after 13 years of being free.
I said it before and I'll say it again
by Gojira_101 15 Replies latest jw friends
Gypsy Sam
Good for you! I'm also enjoying my newly free weekends. Time to read and take up new causes for me and saving the environment.
What I love even more than getting to sleep in on Saturday & Sunday mornings is not having the feeling of guilt for not doing enough and being good enough.
So true whathappened, so true. I used to have terrible anger issues and stressed out all the time, also feeling tired down to my core. Funny thing is, now I have none of those things and the only thing that has changed is I'm no longer a JW.
it is quite amazing.
Captain Obvious
We should have Saturday or Sunday worldwide apostate Medal of Honour tournaments! Jus' sayin...