A lion is a lion, a bear is a bear. A fox is a fox, a deer is a deer. That is what they are, and they behave as what they are. That is to be expected.
The tendency of man is towards satisfying his fleshly desires.
Now, I do expect someone who believes in God to be going to church, preaching to others, condemning others for their beliefs, praying in public and in private, protesting at "gay pride" events and the like. I also expect a "holier than art thou" attitude in addition to a feeling of self-righteousness. But, it is to be expected.
All of these things could appear to be hypocritical if that same person, whether in public, or in private, or both, was a hedonist, Monday thru Saturday. We can speculate as to why that person even goes to church, other than just applying the label "hypocrite".
Maybe they are relieving their guilty conscience. They may feel that if they just keep going to church, the pull of the flesh will decrease in intensity, or go away all together. So somehow, someway, religion serves as a restraint for them, even though it may not appear to be so at face value.
At some level, this person believes there is a God, otherwise they wouldn't bother with any of it. They would cast off all restraint.
Now, the atheist on the other hand, answers to no one. Not to God, not to society, but only to himself. There "is" while he is alive, and there "is not" when he is dead. I would never expect anyone who truly believes this to be seen in any church.
So then, the atheist who is not satisfying, or at least trying to satisfy every fleshly and/or animalistic desire that comes up into the heart, does not really believe there is no God, for the flesh is calling 24 hours a day for indulgence. That is the tendency of man. He leans so far to the flesh, he actually should tip over without having any restraint.
So the believer demonstrates by their life that there is someone, or something that he must answer to, and that is a restraint for him in some capacity. Even if it does not appear to be so on the surface.
So, too, the atheist should demonstrate by their life that they have cast off all restaint, for they have none, and live for the flesh and for the satisfying of their animalistic desires, which are common to all humans. It should be expected of the true atheist.