Deep Concerns

by Derrick 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hyghlandyr

    Um, Irish Catholic, Baptist, Pentacostal, JW. hehehe. And no i didnt send a letter to my old church removing my membership therefrom. I didnt see the point in wasting that much time (I am lazy remember). My sister asked me about it, I said, well we dont even know where that church is so why waste our time?

    Joelbear, some interesting points. As to us needing a policeman to keep order, that is the way of things in nature. It is called a pecking order. Anglos, Germans anc Chinese at the top, for now.

  • Farkel

    I happen to agree with Kismet on this one, Rick.

    Whoever wrote that article was so full of itself it's hard to imagine. With fallacious arguments, terrible metaphors and even worse similies, it is a brain-number from start to finish.

    He could have stated it much simpler, and even Shelby would agree with me on this one:

    "All religion is total bullshit."

    If you really want to receive eternal salvation, follow me and do as I say. Bring your checkbook, a big sack of small-denomination, un-marked bills, all your credit cards, and the deed to your house. "Come follow me. My load is light, and your bank account is about to be the same."


  • AGuest
    Shelby sometimes you and your fellow religionists remind me so much of the JW's. Any sign of weakness or people sincerely questioning things, and you are all over their ass trying to convert them.

    Uh, Kismet, dear... first, I am NOT a 'religionist' by ANY stretch of the imagination... AND... I am not trying to 'convert' Rick. By his own profession (a LONG time ago), he is already my brother. I only attempted to SUPPORT his questioning that perhaps there was some merit to what these folks had said. It seemed to ME, that he was pondering it.

    Religious buzzards, preying on the sick (spiritually) and weary.
    I am sorry you view me that way. Truly. Obviously, though, you don't know me, nor have you paid much attention to what I post.

    This might explain some of the animosity you and other self righteous superfine Christians face on these boards.
    It might. Or... it might be that I speak truth, which not everyone, perhaps including your dear self, is able to 'receive'. I was forewarned, so pardon me if I do not get TOO overly concerned at your opinion of me.

    Your tactics are so familiar. Overwhelm the 'searching ones" with loving and flowery words (and overabundence of words) sucking them into your belief system. Just like the Watchtower.
    "Tactics"?! Me? What 'tactics'? Sigh! You know, I am TRULY sorry that you have been SO damaged to the point where you no longer recognize TRUTH, SINCERITY... and LOVE (uh, sometimes manifested by me with my "loving and flowery words". Would you rather I screamed and yelled hellfire and brimstone? I mean, there ARE those who seem to NEED that...)

    You know, I think that that is one the THE most heinous things about religion, and the WTBTS in particular, in that they LIE to people SO much and beat them down SO hard and attempt to scare the HELL out of them, that when one DOES hear truth, and it is spoken in sincerity and LOVE... even then, they can't recognize it.

    You have my greatest and sincerest sympathy, Kismet, although I know you will reject it and throw it back in my face because RECEIVING love and truth is something you may no longer be CAPABLE of. While that is not my fault, I humbly apologize to YOU... on behalf of ALL who falsely claimed to be 'christs', anointed ones... and subjected you to this 'death'. May my Father have mercy on them... and you.

    (No, don't get angry, and don't gnash your teeth: I am NOT trying to patronize you... I mean what I say here, in ALL sincerity. Because not being able to recognize and receive love WHEN IT IS GENUINELY OFFERED... is, I think, worse than not even being offered it at all. Second only to trying to prevent OTHERS from receiving it, as you are doing here...)

    and even Shelby would agree with me on this one: "All religion is total bullshit."
    Indeed, Daddy-O, I think that was the gist of these folks message... and if so, I vehemently agree with it. I don't think they were full of themselves... I think they were right on... and I provided the verses to support it. Unfortunately, I don't think many will CONDESCEND to read them, but, well, what can you do? People condemn the Bible (and, true, it is not infallible), but... is has quite a bit to say that reveals 'christian RELIGION' for what it truly is: a snare and a racket.

    My Lord set up no 'religion'. There is not such thing as 'christianity'. There are only 'christians'... chosen people... ones anointed... by holy spirit... and thus are 'christ people'... christians. And ALL have the potential to BE christians, chosen by God, no matter what their background. Cyrus was not an Israelite, and yet, he was anointed.

    Such ones have no church, for they ARE the 'church'... the temple of God. God does not dwell in handmade temples, but in such ones. They have no name, per se, but identify themselves as being slaves of Christ, members of his Body and of his congregation, the Congregation of the Firstborn.

    And the ONLY 'sign' that such ones have they 'belong' to Christ... the only OUTWARD appearance... is love. For by THIS... love... all will know who my Lord's disciples truly are. Love... is our 'clothing'... the 'outer garment' and apparel of identification.

    Unfortunately, BECAUSE of religion... many have become SO blinded, maimed, damaged, etc., that even when offered true love, they reject it. That was my entire point, which I am sure you got, as you know me by now.

    Anyway... peace to all!

    A slave of Christ,


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