Having fun in China

by fulltimestudent 52 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent


    I realised I'm going on and on. Would you like me to starta thread, say called, Robert's visit to Being (and anywhere else you're thinking of going) and I can post stuff to it?

    Hortensia also used to take tours to China, she may also like to suggest things for you

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi fulltimestudent, I like the current thread. If you want to start a new thread, I would call it "Places to Visit in China" or something like that so that other travelers to China can add their ideas. I like to read recommendations with pictures of places that people have visited and why they liked it so much.

    Also, such a thread might lighten up JWN a bit as well as inspire JWs to travel more and go to fewer meetings.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • fulltimestudent

    Thnx for your suggestions, Robert. I'll add some more attractions that I think are worth visiting in Beijing to this thread and I will start other threads for specific cities/areas:

    So another place I'd recommend is the place called in English, the old Summer Palace, or in Chinese, Yuanminyuan (The Gardens of Perfect Brightness. It was (is) a palace garden with some (the main) buildings designed in an European style, and designed by Jesuit missionaries - Giuseppe Castiglione and Michel Benoist, and others in Chinese style. The Kangxi Emperor ordered construction quite early in the eighteenth century. He intended it as a gift for one of his sons. Later Emperors added to it.

    In 1860 in an orgy of Imperialistic hubris, French and British troops (on instructions from the chief British vandal, Lord Elgin, of Elgin marbles fame) looted and burned the palaces. Another orgy of western vandalism took place during the so-called Boxer rebellion in 1900. (And, some damage was also done during the military turbulence in China between 1911 and 1949. The remains, including some pavilions that remained untouched, serve today as a constant reminder to the Chinese people of the destructive power of western Imperialism. And the Chinese government is rather unsure of how to conserve the ruins. Nonetheless, the gardens, as you'll see are quite beautiful.

    Here's someone's virtual reconstruction of what it may have looked like, before the British/French looting and burning.


    and, another virtual reconstruction.


    and, what you'll see now.


    And, the existing Gardens


  • fulltimestudent

    So, what will you eat in Beijing ... ?

    (grin) - when you're hungry ... there's always maccas !!! haha


  • ABibleStudent

    Loved the videos fulltimestudent. I will definately add to my travel bucket-list. I look forward to more of your posts.

    It makes me angry that cultural sites are destroyed (and people are killed) by idiots for no apparent defensible reason. I do not see the point of burning down a cultural site but can see the point of destroying a key strategic military complex during times of war.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • fulltimestudent

    And, if you want to go out at night, there is a social life in China, these days. As this American girl explores:


    and, someone else's viewpoint.


  • fulltimestudent

    Getting around Beijing.

    Make sure you always have the namecard for your hotel, and that it is the name and the address in Chinese characters. Public transport is good in Beijing and its cheap. But if you really get lost, jump in a cab, show the driver the namecard and you wont be lost anymore.

    Cabs are cheap. In the inner city zone the standard cab fare some years ago was 10 yuan. (About US$2.00). Its probably more now, but if your lost, its worth it.

    You can see most of the the places I've mentioned by using the subway - which is really extensive.


    How to use the subway (in english)


    But, I suggest you try to avoid using the subway in peak hours - here's why:


  • fulltimestudent

    This map shows the extent of the subway system:

    At the top right, you can note the Airport express line. I've never used it, but I understand its a flat fare of 25 yuan (about US$ 4.00). Otherwise there's a flat ticket charge of 2 yuan (Less than 50 cents) to go anywhere on the system except the airport.

    Here's some points to note (from the subway web site)

    Passenger with large luggage occupying more than one seat area should purchase an addtional ticket as baggage fee. Child with height under 120 cm doesn't need to pay to travel by Beijing Subway. Anything that is dangerous to public security is not allowed to take on board of the subway train. Pet, glass product, bike, television, desktop computer, refrigerator are not allowed to take on board of the subway train neither.
    Rushing hours for Beijing subway are from 7am to 9 am as well as from 5pm to 7:30pm Monday to Friday. We strongly suggest you take a taxi if you happen to get around Beijing during the rush hours with large baggage as the subway would be overcrowded by then.
  • fulltimestudent

    Ha! Some time at last to post more about visiting Beijing:

    One place I've wanted to visit is the city of Chengde, just a few hours north of Beijing by train. It was a former Imperial hunting lodge for the Emperor (in Qing times), so there's another palace, but more interesting some concrete evidence of the closeness between the Qing Emperors and the Tibetan Dalai lama. This closeness was the result of an alliance between the Jurchen tribes that became the Manchu and tthe Dalai Llama of that time. I'll add to that later.

    What do you think of when you see this pik?

    File:Putuo Zongcheng Temple.jpg

  • fulltimestudent

    If you thought of the Potala palace in Lhasa - yup, that's it.

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