Amazon has several under 20.00. I bought one 15 minutes ago, for anyone looking.
COC Request
by Tech49 13 Replies latest jw friends
Jgnat, Simon, My intent was NOT to create any issues here. I merely requested a copy of COC, if anyone had it handy in their digital library. I know there are copies around, I would be happy to pay for it, but I did not want an actual hard copy floating around the house at this point!
Thank you Comatose for providing an online link. Lets remember the reason we are all on this journey....
Jack Harper, Tech49
Hi Jack Harper/Tech49, Amazon sells a Kindle edition of Steve Hassan's latest book "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs": . If you want to read his original book "Combatting Cult Mind Control" in a digital format, you will need to wait until next year according to feedback I received from Steve Hassan's website
If you want to slowly learn more about how Raymond Franz thought and Steve Hassan's methods via the internet for free, I would recommend clicking on following links:
Steve Hassan explains SIA method to rescue loved ones from unhealthy situations (2003)
Steve Hassan at NYC Ethical Culture Society February 2013
Best of wishes in your efforts to critically think for yourself by doing independent research.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
LoisLane looking for Superman
Jgnat - Mouthy - Blondie, Thank you for setting me straight. I do appreciate it.
Comatose made Ray's book available if I clicked, and I clicked. At first I didn't remember the format, the writing, the words. I skipped and scrolled. It was like I had never read Crisis of Conscience, yet that was the book I read through the night and marked the date and time, March 22, 2012, 5 AM, LoisLane is O- U - T. That book freed me, yet I was/am traumatized by it, still.
I didn't mean any harm to Cynthia Franz. I only want the best for her. I have no idea how much money she makes off of each sale. It is none of my business.
If Ray's Crisis of Conscience was here on JWN last Aug 15, 2012, when I tried to log on, I wouldn't have "benefited" from it, because I had already woken up.
Through I had read up on Rutherford's Federal Censes and on Bonnie Boyd's Federal Censes, and the two are together on Ship crossings. I got the picture loud and clear. Rutherford could do anything. We, the rank and file, were his slaves. Slaves get barked orders, are made to obey, get abused, killed even, and tossed aside. The Watch Tower Society has carried on Rutherford's and Knorr's and Fred Franz's bizarre, man made religion. And they claim over 7 million adherence.
I am appalled by this modern day slavery to the Watchtower.
Please forgive my out-burst yesterday. I meant no harm.
Just Lois