Ok, I hate to admit this but, Im running out of ideas of things to do to the local jaydubs. I mean yeah, knockin on their doors and showing up and taking books from the kh is fun and all, but kinda gettin stale. My next big one is gonna be at the next memorial, where Im gonna wear a big wool jacket and top hat as I chug the wine and eat the bread, then stand up and yell "Praise the Lord Im healed!" also would like to have a stylish walking stick....always wanted one of those
But, thats months away, and I need something to "fill in the gaps" so to speak. Im getting bored. Anybody wanna help me with some ideas?
Also, please dont bother posting things such as "I wouldn't do that because......." or "you really shouldnt do that stuff because....." Im not interested in hearing those opinions and It will fall on deaf ears