"People often wonder if deaf people can drive, get married, or raise a family."

by cedars 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Thank you Shyla, it's nice to have a professional sign language interpreter to explain these things to us deaf impaired.

  • HarryMac
    "People often wonder if deaf people can drive, get married, or raise a family."

    Do they?


    The marketing department of this organization should be fired for allowing this sentence to stay in their material. One more indication that people in this sheltered organization would really struggle in the real world.

  • Vidiot
    Simon - "Hey, we get it ... the WTS released a sign-language video about masturbation - but it's been discussed already. We don't need to bring it up and add smutty comments to threads about deaf people which could be taken as insulting and in bad taste. Please keep things on-topic and free of innuendo. Thank you."

    Wait, what?

    We shouldn't bring up the funniest goddamn thing the WTS ever put out anymore?

    C'mon, man, seriously?

  • Simon
    Do they? No.

    Yes, it's just like many "Frequently Asked Questions" ... they are really "Convenient questions we wish people would ask because we have prepared some answers to make us look good".

    Except the WTS answers don't make them look good ... at all.

  • Vidiot
    Simon - "...many 'Frequently Asked Questions' ... are really 'Convenient questions we wish people would ask because we have prepared some answers to make us look good'. Except the WTS answers don't make them look good..."

    Okay, I can't argue with that one.

  • frankiespeakin


    The marketing department of this organization should be fired for allowing this sentence to stay in their material. One more indication that people in this sheltered organization would really struggle in the real world.

    Yeah that big layoff a while back must have left them really depleted of any with talent, I don't think they have that big of a pool for resources being that they are against education and all. Expect more nonsense from the writing department now that this New Governing Body is taking such a hard line on learning and education.

    As things progress and JW are encouraged to home school their young in order to not be contaminated by logical thinking and scientific facts so that in time things should get even more bizarre.

  • Vidiot
    frankiespeakin - "Yeah that big layoff a while back must have left them really depleted of any with talent."

    I can't believe I never made the connection... damn, I'm slipping.

  • Iamallcool

    Yes I can drive and I was married.

    me of the deaf class

  • frankiespeakin


    {Yes I can drive and I was married.

    me of the deaf class }

    Yeah but the Watchtower Corporation can't do much PR work with that short answer.

  • cedars


    Yes I can drive and I was married.

    Hm, silence on the issue of raising a family. Perhaps my suspicions were true!


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