JWs and E-Cigs

by TheClarinetist 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheClarinetist

    The other night, two of my JW coworkers were sitting out enjoying an E-Cig with one of my other coworkers. I knew from earlier that there was tobacco (well, nicotine) in it. Out of curiousity, I did some minor digging with my Worldlyâ„¢ coworkers and am pretty darn sure that these guys aren't doing anything else questionable... Are active JWs allowed to smoke E-Cigs now, or did I just witness some extremely minor teenage rebellion?

    Also, if you're going to do something that could get you in trouble, why the hell would you do it in a public place where everyone knows who/where you are and other JWs from your congregation can pop in at any time?

  • sinis

    No they are not. Nicotine is considered a DRUG, and one that invokes spiritism. That would be a DFing matter... I'm sure they would plead ignorance, but WTS doctrine is that NICOTINE is pharmakeia...

  • ?evrything

    Def a disfellowhipping offense.

  • grumblecakes

    i coulda swore it was the act of smoking that was "linked to spiritism" and nicotine was just addictive and bad for your health...can anybody confirm?

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Smoking e-Cigs just for fun doesn't really make any sense. Who looks 'cool' smoking an e-Cig? It's like someone chewing nicotine gum because they like the flavour.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea just like chewing tobacco

  • Vidiot

    E-Cigs look real(ish).

    The WTS would forbid them for that reason alone, even if they were the healthiest damn things on the planet.

    It's about presenting a certain image to the "World" (and potential recruits).

  • eyeuse2badub

    i'm sure it will, in a few years, be a DFing offence. the 8 popes of Brooklyn will hand down their 'judicial decision' soon.

  • wordyword

    It is definitely a disfellowshiping offence. I fell off the wagon, used patches and was disfellowshipped anyway for not relying on Jehovah.

  • Vidiot
    wordyword - "I fell off the wagon, used patches and was disfellowshipped..."

    There's a facepalm moment if I ever heard of one.

    The guys on your JC must absolutely love the "Brazen conduct" blanket.

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