I would have liked to have seen the panic spreading in the Accounts Dept. once they realised they were playing by new rules and that they weren't working. But alas, they eventually did figure out new ways to earn money sans literature sales. They are experts at putting guilt trips on people after all.
Complete Donation What Happened?
by Marvin Shilmer 29 Replies latest jw friends
well i guess we know why they stopped printing the deluxe editions of the NWT
So typical, exactly what we should have expected.
having been raised a JW I can honestly say I have to conscienciously make an effort to not be a cheap bastard and buy my friends dinner or drinks knowing full well I will likely never see my generosity reciprocated
After all the uncompensated time, engery and resources peddling their wares they complain about a few extra books they have to give out which were produced by unpaid labor? I have no qualms about the loss of profit they get on the literature. The CDs cost them pennies to make and they gave the impression that they were somehow costly. If they want to SELL the books and pay the requisite tax, they can do so. If they choose to avoid the tax issue then they get what they deserve.
Iown Mylife
There were lots of meals out where the friends eating with us thought the tip we left for our part of the service was enough to cover the whole table! Cheap doesn't begin to cover it. I often was on the receiving end of lectures from people who had been JW longer than me, about how I tipped too much. Even when I was paying for everyone, and the amount of the tip should be my own business, right? they would pipe up about how stupid it was to leave too big of a tip. These people regularly ate out and left NO tip. Many, many people from different JW families. So it wasn't just a fluke - it was the predominant mindset. Wait-staff should just be thrilled to wait on JW for NOTHING, i guess.
If I can't afford a tip I do not eat in a restaurant.
And speaking of hogging the hotel breakfast on a convention morning - that wasn't me! The sight of flies freely landing all over those bagels, doughnuts and etc., was barf city. We relied on grocery store food and prepared it in the room. We ate cereal and milk or brought our own bagels & shmear. After which we would leave a housekeeper's tip every morning before leaving the room. We thought the phrase "Treat others as you wish to be treated," was actually meant to be literal.
No wonder we were called Crazy after we quit. We thought what was said at the platform and in the study articles was meant to be taken seriously in our lives! Was that stupid or what!
Well done. I think intuitively this would be the case with most groups switching over in this manner. However, the "trustworthiness" statement is a little hilarious.
Lown Mylife: "We thought the phrase "Treat others as you wish to be treated," was actually meant to be literal."
Well put!
I remember one time we hired a contractor who we knew was a witness, he didn't know we knew his "JWness". After a couple of weeks worth of work, he asked how we found him and I told him about a mutual friend (JW) he asked if we were and we told him that we were. That following week, he never showed up, we had problems with the work after that and the project was barely completed in time to what I would consider substandard quality. I figure that he felt we couldnt sue him so we were put on the back burner.
JW's cheap, lazy, basically untrustworthy... Im glad Im out.
It's kind of funny, but when they first moved to the Complete Donation Arrangement™, Mr Scully was assisting the Ministerial Servants™ on the Literature Counter™, and I commented that there would be massive orders for cassette tapes, CDs and expensive volumes that people generally didn't purchase because they were considered to be luxury items. Mr Scully gave the people in the Congregation™ the benefit of the doubt and said that it was like being on the honour system, and the Brothers™ would be fair and honest and contribute accordingly. I told him he was dreaming in Technicolor™.
I also objected to the idea that we were expected to Donate™ the same amount as we did prior to the Complete Donation Arrangement™, plus any Contributions™ we received from Householders™ were expected to be put in the Contribution Boxes™ as well. I considered that to be "double dipping" as far as the WTS was concerned and I'm so glad the whole thing blew up in their greedy faces.
That's what happens when you're in league with Billy Graham as a "Friend of the Court", dumbasses.
Iown Mylife
HI Darthfader, love your name - oh man i wish you hadn't got me started on JW contractors!!! Well, maybe i can wait until the exploded parts of my brain settle back down before i begin to describe THAT part of my JW life experience.
The "policy" about carrying an envelope with us in FS so that we could place the HH's $ in it is one of the factors that led (drove) me out of the Borg. I thought it ludicrous and respulsive. And didn't keep my thoughts to myself.