When I was a kid, I researched the origins of the religion and realized that the Witnesses were an offshoot of Adventism.....we're you surprised to learn something about the Witnesses that you didn't realize?
Were U Surprised To Learn Anything About The Witnesses That U Didn't Know??
by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, it is a very long story.
Yes, not only surprised but also profoundly shocked as well. The Watchtower's criminal practice of stalking those who do not want to be part of it. In addition, the highly secretive nature of this organisation was very troubling as well as the sheltering and grooming of pedophiles within the organistion was very sickening.
When I finally googled "Jehovah's Witnesses" I was very surprised about Ray Franz, the United Nations, and Greenlees and Chitty.
Julia Orwell
What he said. Also how viciously they turn on you when you change your mind about being a Jw.
Surprised about food from demons, pyramidology. Evil food.
I asked my siblings if they ever recalled studying Jesus was an angel. They thought I was making it up. It was not something mentioned much in the 60s.
When I first came to this board in 2003 and learned about the financial holdings - and then became aware of the profit-making book-selling operation I was pretty surprised and found it to be chilling. To actually come to believe that the GB's motives are not so pure was surprising.
The thing that really shocks me the most is that human beings are so ready and willing to give up any responsibility for their thoughts and actions, so willing to be controlled without thorough investigation and some healthy skepticism and questioning - but we see this everywhere.. It is a pretty sobering state of affairs.
I was shocked when I read of all the scandals such as Mexico/Malawi and the UN, but what I was most surprised to learn was how wrong we were on doctrines such as the blood issue, holidays, judicial committees, etc. I also came to realize that we consistently go above and beyond what is written and have put the Bible on equal level as the Bible, the governing body on equal level with Jesus.
I was very shocked, and I guess somewhat naive, when I found out how many "brothers" had "worldly" girlfriends outside the org. Married men, not the single men. At the school I attended several women were dating married JW men.
Yes everything. I read David Reed jws answered verse by verse in 1992 at the library. I thought wow why have I never seen these bible verses or at least without jw spin. Still I kept quite. Then found COC and Iscf by Raymond Franz game over. As a born in I didn't even know of 1975. To be honest counting time as a youth got to me also when they changed the king of the north I was like WTF that was the sign of the end now that the Soviet Union collapsed god suddenly gave us new light. I guess I had a brain even as a kid.