We're Jehovah's Witnesses. We speak out in fearlessness.........

by punkofnice 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jws

    A few months ago a JW lady knocked on my door. I say knocked, not rang the fully operational door bell. I told her I saw more Mormons than JWs. Shesaid she knocked on my very door about 3 months earlier. I'm home most Saturday mornings. After questioning her, she admitted to knocking, not ringing the bell. This time I heard her because I was in a part of the house closer to the door.

    Turns out, she doesn't want to bother people and wake them up. So she knocks. If they hear her, fine, if not, she's not waking anybody.

    So much for speaking out in fearlessness.

  • iCeltic

    I used to always knock rather than ring, I still do when at friends or whatever. You're maybe being a wee bit hard on her, doing the jw door chopping isn't the easiest thing in the world to do.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    GOB: Spineless nonentities, bereft of spiritual vision. They're happy to censure Catholics and Protestants, not Muslims; their worst nightmare is a suicide bomber showing up at a District Convention or at Bethel.

  • frankiespeakin

    Men make gods of wood and stone

    but the true god theyv'e not know

    he is the god of true profits see------->money

    what he fortells will never beeee, he he he he ;)

  • punkofnice

    jws - Same happened to me.

    iCeltic - Same here. Even as a JW I didn't see how door knocking was in any way effective.

    Room215 - Shows how much the GB trusts resurrection.

    frankie - LOL. Spot on.


    NOT FAIR!! They photo-shop themselves in service all the time..

  • jw07

    Why don't they denounce ISLAM and it's leaders the way they do the Catholic Church? That would show real brass BALLS.

  • Vidiot
    punkofnice - "Then why aren't the GB personally going out and spearheading the preaching in places like China for instance and Muslim countries?"

    No one there wants autographed NWT Bibles, probably...

    room 215 - "...their worst nightmare is a suicide bomber showing up at a District Convention or at Bethel..."

    I dunno... a bomb at a DC would definately reinforce the WTS's collective persecution complex (as long as none of the GB were there)...

    Bethel, though? Definately.


    I can't help but wonder (and I am in no way promoting this); if the GB were all there at Bethel and were blown to smithereens, would that solve the problem or make it worse?

  • jw07

    @Vidiot: I think there would be a fairly large Exodus during the power vacuum / power struggle, coupled with the illusion of invulnerability being shattered. This coming from lurkers and those waking up looking for hard and fast proof that it's just a corporation. However, the die hard remnant would be even more fanatical and support whatever form of leadership which rears its head from Headquarters.

  • punkofnice

    DATA-DOG - Is this one of the photo shopped pictures where the 'ministry bags(TM)' have been added?

    jw07 - Indeed. But if they REALLY spoke out in fearlessness they would have no problem.

    vidiot - Yes. Autographed bibles....as if they wrote it!

    The WBT$ will survive somehow.

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