Some uneducated person said:
To those of you who boldy flaunt your european ancestry and the unfortunate plight of the turn of the century immigrant, I would caution you to remember that whether an immigrant was russian, polish, irish, italian, german or other, NONE were lynched, persecuted and attacked violently by the KKK.
I could not even finish this dudes post!
I guess you dont know that the KKK was against the Irish Catholics. I guess you are unaware of the Molly McGuires, a non-existent terrorist organization upon whom many crimes were blamed, and then Irishmen were in FACT lynched as a result. I guess you are unaware that the Irish were called the niggers of europe, and white niggers here in the states.
I guess you are unaware of signs hung outside of shops and businesses 'NO IRISH NEED APPLY'. I guess you are unaware that the Irish were in fact prevented from making purchases in certain places, that they were forced to create their own stores, just like freed blacks.
I guess you are unaware of the attrocities in the Cromwellian era, when Irish men, women and children were kidnapped by gunpoint by soldiers from their homes in ireland and sold in slave markets in america ostensibly as indentured servants, except it was entirely against their will and they did not go free in the three, five or seven years as was common, in fact they never went free.
I guess you are unaware that in the americas the Irish, the native americans, the hindus, jews, and palestinians were all sold as slaves and so treated! I guess you are unaware that the vast majority of the population of Monsterrat claims Irish/African descent, most being blacks with irish names, language, and customs, even to dancing Irish jigs!
I guess you are unaware of the large numbers of Irish in this country that were arrested without cause merely on suspicion of being rabble rousers simply because they were Irish!
Make no mistake about it sir those of european descent have suffered gravely at the hands of the anglo swine that first populated this country. The only benefit is, finally with the coming of Kennedy we were able to pretend we were white.
And I have not even touched on the poles and jews and germans and italians and all the things that were done to these groups.
As to the slavery issue do you really think it was because of some concern for their lessers that abolitionists started fighting slavery? Read some of their propganda from the time. They were concerned that whites were being enslaved. Virginia had instituted laws that the legal status of the mother, not the father, determined that of the child. Prior to that if the child of a slave was known to be the child of the 'massa' he had the full legal right of a free man. Such that there were black men owning plantations and slaves, many of whom were white. The abolitionists reported that whites, with an ounce of black blood were being kidnapped and taken back to the south, and that your daughter sir, and your sister maam, could be next.
The arguement that I owe someone for what anglos did for a couple of hundred years merely because I happen to be born and raised here, is a tired arguement. But, I will say this, pay them off. Pay the damned reparations. I dont care how much it is. They will be spending it on whites anyhow. Then when they whine and bitch that I owe them something, while they are calling me cracker and I better not say ought to them? I can say, shut the frag up.
And how dare you minimize the Irish Holocaust, An Gorta Mor. When nearly the entire island was wiped out by anglo policies.
Recently some african nation complained that the USA owed them slave reparations for taking people from their country, which THEY sold. Well I say those countries owe US slave reparations for giving us the worst of the lot.